Those feet, those lessons, that love are available to seekers everywhere, wherever they are. One step is enough to contact him. He has announced, "I am all over the world, every inch of it." "I do not weigh credentials. If you need me, you deserve me." "Transmute your heart into a Prasanthi Nilayam (The Abode of Supreme Peace); I shall gladly stay therein. Accept me as your sarathi (Charioteer), as Arjuna did when I was Krishna; I shall guide you to victory. I shall allay your doubts and fears, teaching you the Gita which you need."
No fear is too formidable for him, no doubt is too desperate. His smile is as sun to the fog. Ask, he answers. Knock; he welcomes. Droop; he makes you bloom. He is the nearest and the readiest refuge. He tells us, "I have no name nor do I belong to any one place. Call me by any name; I shall respond. Long for me from any place; you can see me there. When you confess, "I am yours", I reply, "You are mine".
When Swami resides in the Prashanti Nilayam, we prepare for him in our hearts, he blesses us with his counsel on every occasion of need. These messages are his gifts of Grace. They are authentic Sai gold minted into shining coins for furthering happier living and deeper loving.
Swami has revealed that he is neither man nor angel, nor sage nor saint. He is the Teacher of Truth, he says. He teaches us at all times and in all places and through all means. Each message from him to those who plead and pray is a boon to be adored in gratitude.
Brother Lucas Ralli has earned these precious messages, these unique Gita lessons, and won approval to share them with us. The Avatar has come to rescue mankind from disaster. Let us be wanted in time; let us listen to the lessons enshrined in this book and surrender our "wills" and "wonts" to his all comprehensive love.
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