Friday, April 30, 2010

Christmas Message (1983)

What is Christmas?

It should be a time of divine awakening, a time when people turn their thoughts away from everyday problems and think instead of the divine. That spirit of the divine is everywhere and you yourselves are part of it. Learn to live in that divine state.

Follow the light and experience the omnipresence of the Lord. Let Christmas be a time of awakening for each one of you.

Live in peace, live in love, look for love everywhere, for it is the manifestation of God Himself. Love one another, help one another, that is the path to divinity.

I am always with you and aware of every thought; so, when you know this and understand it, surely you will turn away from the constant obsession with material things and every form of desire.

The dawn of the Golden Age is at hand but not everyone will experience it. The age of preparation precedes the Golden Age and it is during this time that the sorting out process takes place. So seize the opportunity that all of you have been given to rise above the material level and manifest once again in the divine state. Only then can you enter the Golden Age and experience the omnipresence of the Lord.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:A Christmas Message for the Sai Children

My children, I love you all and you should love Me as I love you!
Do not separate yourselves from God, for you yourselves are God. We are all one happy family and I am the Mother and the Father of all of you.
Purity, unity, divinity, these three are inseparable, so you should strive to find and develop these qualities at all times. Learn from an early age not to be distracted by the desires of the senses, for these will delay your progress on the spiritual path, especially if you allow them to get hold of you while you are still young. The older you are, the more difficult it becomes to overcome these desires which grow like a cancer if allowed to go unchecked over a long period.
But, My children, you are still young and you have a whole lifetime ahead of you, a life with Sai and a golden oppotunity to achieve pure divinity in this lifetime.
Celebrate this Christmas, but also use it as a time for contemplation, a time to realise the truth, a time to contemplate your future, whether it is to be a life with Sai, which will lead you forward to liberation from bondage, or a life which is controlled by the desires of the senses, a life which will lead you nowhere.
Realise the great truth that we are all one, all God, and that the body is simply a temporary vehicle for the soul.
Live with God, live in God, be God, and then you will find peace, happiness, fulfilment and eventual liberation.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Aim of Life

Swami's life is Swami's message.

You should contemplate the lifestyle of the Lord and compare your own way of life to see where you go wrong. The reasons are clear: desire and conflicting aims.

Consider what it is that you are trying to achieve in this life. Consider too, how much time you are wasting on trivial matters that are of no lasting importance.

Create a new plan of life and a new life pattern. Do not let trivial affairs interfere with that plan. Have a definite objective and determine to achieve it. Do not make the plan too ambitious to start with; think in terms of phases, and set a time scale to achieve phase one.

There is always a tendency just to exist and let time pass, but this is not the right way to live; it is time wasted, life wasted. As you get older, time becomes even more precious and it must not be wasted.

Day to day life can continue, but never forget the purpose of life and your relationship with the Lord. It is so easy to drift into habit; the same pattern day after day, and this is one way in which life gets wasted.

Analyse the present position: where have you got to and where are you going? What is it that delays your progress on the spiritual path?

Only you can work out the future pattern of your own life.

Look for happiness, see it all around you, the sight of God manifesting everywhere, in the flowers, in the plants, in the trees, in the people and in the animals. All are God, all are one, all part of the whole. It is that thought that should be constantly in your mind, the unity that exists throughout the universe, the unity that is divinity.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Effort

There is confusion in the mind of man caused by the separation he has chosen, that is, separation from God, separation from the source, separation from the very supplier of everything that man needs.

Due to ignorance, desire and the animal instincts, which have yet to be overcome, man treads another path, far away from the spiritual, or divine path which is in reality the only path. All other paths are simply illusion and lead to a wilderness which is where man resides at present.

Now is the time for man to awaken to the truth:that all is God and man is part of that whole, as are his mother and his brother, his friends and his enemies - all are one, all children of God Almighty.

Only when man realises the truth can change come about and only then is he likely to emerge from the wilderness, move away from the material path and take the first steps that will lead him towards divinity.

It is the duty of those awakened ones to spread the message, the message of truth, so that more and more people become awakened. It may not be easy but much progress can be made from small beginnings. Already a start has been made and progress will continue. Very soon, new openings will appear and you will take all the opportunities as they arise. The meetings of the various Sai groups are a great help and slowly the people will become more and more inspired by and convinced of the truth. As the truth unfolds, more people will accept the challenge and start their own groups.

That is what is required, more Sai groups, rather than the same people just continuing to go to other people's groups, imagining that this is all that is required of them.

Encourage the members of your own group to start their own little Study Circles, even two or three people, and slowly a whole new pattern will emerge. I will always be there to help those who make the effort.

Open your hearts and listen to the voice of the Lord who is calling you like a shepherd calling to his flock. Know that I am always there, even if you do not see Me. Even the sheep know the shepherd is not far away though they may not see him, so how can you doubt the omnipresence of your own shepherd, the Lord who is always with you, always has been and always will be, even though you may deny Him?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Being

Look up in the heavens and observe the universe in all its glory. Look into your own heart and know that it is the house of the Lord, for He is omnipresent and resides there.

Consider the purpose of your life. Meditate on the lessons you have learned and contemplate the way ahead.

Man tends to make some progress and then stagnate, not knowing where to go beyond that point. But the path ahead is always there, right in front of him, the path that leads through service to humanity towards a closer and closer relationship with God, for all humanity is God.

Never concern yourself with the ups and downs of daily life, for these are like the waves of the ocean. They come, they go, and so it is with daily life. The traumas of the day, when they come, eventually pass. Observe them but do not become involved in them. Look on them as a passing pattern, nothing of permanent consequences.

But man is permanent for man is an eternal being. Contemplate that thought and try to purify your whole life. Purity, unity and divinity are the very pillars of life itself.

Man is confused at the present time but the dawn of awakening is at hand. Retain that thought in your mind, that happier times lie ahead, and do not become part of the confusion that surrounds you.

Turn to God in moments of despair, knowing that God alone is the permanent guiding light in your life, never affected by anything, never wavering, just like the brightest star in the sky, always shining for everyone to see.

You need to develop those qualities so that you too shine like another bright star and become a reflection of the God within manifesting at the highest level.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Divine Design

My child, out of turmoil will come peace and tranquility - it is the will of the Lord.

You give too much importance to the minor disturbances on the surface of the sea and are oblivious to the vast whole of the ocean which is out of sight.

See everything in that light:the things that worry you are all little local disturbances or draughts.

I am aware of everything that goes on, good and bad, and I know how everything will eventually fall into place. Changes will come quite soon if you are patient.

Everyone fits into what you would call a giant jigsaw puzzle and you are the pieces. Some pieces are jagged but even they fit in perfectly when the final pattern of the picture emerges. So I will be with the Sai organisation and everyone will have played a part. The long process of putting the puzzle together is an exercise which is good for all of you. It brings out your weaknesses and gives you a chance to polish that diamond which is the core of your being. Only when the diamond is purified can you re-enter the kingdom of heaven, the abode of perfect peace.

Do not give so much importance to all the aggravation. Just play out the game and know that there is a reason and purpose behind everything. Calmer waters always follow the storm. Tranquility is not far away, so do not despair. This is an opportunity for all of you and you must not waste it.

Life is a game. You must see it like that and look upon everyone as players. Each one has a part to play, just like you and all the others.

Consider the life of Jesus and those around him. They were not all saints or very spritual people, but they all played a part in the game which was being played out at that time. It goes on and on, from generation to g

eneration, and the hand of the Lord is always there at the helm.

Life will change, it will improve and you will experience a itchiness in the quality of life which has eluded you in the past.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Unity (IV)

Purity, unity and divinity are the foundations of the universe. All are ONE and I am the WHOLE. There is nothing that exists outside that WHOLE and that is the meaning of unity. Everyone is part of that WHOLE, an enormous unlimited spiritual power and force which exists throughout the universe.

The fuel for that force is LOVE, and that love is God manifesting in everyone and everything.

Unity comes to a community or group of people when love flows. Flowers need water for nourishment and man needs love to sustain him and enable him to fulfil his task in the world. What is the task? It begins with the realisation of his true nature, his real identity, because only when he knows who he is can he progress on the spiritual path.

What is love? Love is God. Where is that love now? God is omnipresent, everywhere, in everyone and everything so the love is here, there and everywhere. But you have to release it and allow that love to flow, like the rivers. Man creates great dams on the earth to control the natural flow of water, and man too in his ignorance creates the same type of barrier which restricts the free flow of love. Hence you have all these troubles on the earth, in the world: man fighting man, nation fighting nation, the result of total ignorance on the part of man.

But God is there always, the same God who has given free will to man. God watches, God observes, God waits and God alone understands the timeless nature of life and the true meaning of eternity.

My children, awaken and release that divine love that is locked within you, within the heart. Know that God is in you and you are part of God, part of the whole, manifesting and vibrating as an aspect of God Himself. See everyone else in the same light, all God, all part of the same whole. Then unity will return to the earth and a new generation will be born. That day will come. You are the instruments, and each one of you has the unique opportunity to participate in the work of the Lord. Accept that challenge today and become beacons of love and light which will brighten the dark skies all around you for ever more.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Confidence

Where is the love, the love that pours from heavens, the source, the fountain head, the Godhead, call it which ever name you like?
Stop and consider where it is at this moment in relation to yourself. How do you feel? Tired, worn out, no energy, utterly exhausted before the day begins. Why is this? It means you re closed off, separated from the source and it is you yourself who have put up a barrier for one reason or another.
Even at this moment you can smell the sweet fragrance of jasmine, a manifestation of the love that pours out from the heavens. There is no separation from the source in this case.
Open your hearts and they will be filled with love, My love, and then you will be recharged with superhuman energy.
Breathe in My love and My energy and feel your whole being vibrating in perfect harmony with the universe and with God Himself. This is the secret of good health, good living and boundless energy. All of you should do the same and transform your lives into a more vibrant state, so that you can fulfil the task for which you have incarnated.
Never look on the dark side of anything, regardless of the apparent gravity of the situation. Turn to God, to the source, breathe in the sweet love and divine energy that fill the universe. Laugh in happiness and experience the bliss of being at one with God.
All worldly problems will simply melt away and be seen to be what they really are: nothing more than stones on the path. You have the ability to walk over these stones and leave them behind you for ever more.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Theme: Unity (III)

When the sun shines, open your mind to the concept of UNITY, because you can see the sun which is the source of light, heat and energy on earth. It is a link with the whole universe. You look into the sky and you see a star, your own sun. Then you should visualise what lies beyond, the vast universe, unlimited, and everything therein vibrating and moving in perfect harmony and unison.

Look out on a clear night and observe the Milky Way, a vast galaxy of stars thousands of light years away, and yet, this is only the threshold of the universe. My child, the vastness of the universe is beyond man's concept and always will be; neither can the scientists comprehend the miracle which they observe in just one tiny area.

Here is the manifestation of the Lord, Lord of the Creation, the Creator, the Unifier, the One and the Whole.

Stop for a moment and marvel at the thought that you and the creator are one and the same, all One, all God, all part of that monumental WHOLE.

You have the choice to manifest yourself as part of that whole, in the divine Godlike state, or to live a body life, where you identify with your body and thereby lose your real identity. So many do this and then wonder why they are lost, unhappy and unsatisfied. But you will never find lasting happiness through the body life.

So, turn your thoughts to the Divine. contemplate the omnipresence of the Lord. Know that you and He are one and that He is beside you, within you, all around you, now and always.

Decide today to manifest yourself as Godman, in the divine state, and live your life from now on as though you were God Himself.

Contemplate every action, every thought, as though you were God. Then peace and lasting happiness will come to you and you will help to bring peace and happiness to the world and to ll around you.