Thursday, December 31, 2009

Vol.1 Part l - Love: My Love is Like a Mountain

My love is like a mountain towering over each one of you. Do not turn away from that mountain of love, but blend with it at all moments of the day.
Love is God and God is love. Love is the certain way to God, so bring God into your lives and forget all your petty problems and quarrels. I am with you now and I know your every thought. Not all your thoughts are good, so watch your thoughts and concentrate on bringing love into your lives.
I love you all in spite of your many failings.

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Devotion and Love

Devotion and love flow from the heart, which is the core of your very being. It is the source of all true feeling because it comes from the real you, and the real you is also Me.

When you tune in to your own heart you will feel a vibration of loving warmth which is really emanating from your Mother. I am that Mother. But you seem far away from your Mother because you have created barriers which separate you, barriers which allow you to divert all your attention to worldly and material matters and pleasures.

Fortunately, these barriers can be removed much more easily than the physical barriers which you put up on roads and elsewhere. You yourself have just removed the barrier for a few precious moments while you prepare to receive this message. What you must do is to remove that barrier for ever. At the moment you treat your heart like a sluice gate, lifted up on occasions to let the water through, lowered again to stop the flow.

That flow of water is like My love. Think of it like that and consider whether it would not be better to remove that artificial barrier for ever. Then you would have a permanent flowing in of the love of the Lord and your whole life would change and become more harmonious.

This applies to everyone because very few are really open to receive My love. The love is there in abundance but I do not force it upon you. You yourselves have the freedom to receive it or shut it out, and the decision is yours alone.

But how do you go about opening it for ever?

Open your hearts, then stop and contemplate the glory of the Lord. Talk to the Lord and turn to Him at every moment of the day. Know that He walks beside you and is always there, just waiting for your call.

He knows everything, sees everything, feels everything, yet wants nothing except your love, for that is the way to which you can be led back to the Kingdom of Heaven. And that is where you will reside, in the heart of the Lord Himself.

Open your hearts, My children, and see the light. Come out of the darkness and leave behind you the illusion which surrounds you and clouds your vision. I am here, I am there, waiting for you NOW.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Love is the Very Basis of the Universe

Love is the very basis of the universe. Without love there would be no universe. Love is everywhere. Even the plants experience and express love. Have you not witnessed this? Man is the highest form of nature upon the earth plane but, with most people, the love which they express in their lives is barely equal to the love expressed or shown by animals. Think of the love that a dog can show towards its owner ... love and devotion, too!

You cannot live without love, for life without love is empty and meaningless. But many choose to live that way and imagine they are getting pleasure from such a life. But this is not so. Such a life is completely shallow and selfish.

Life must be full of love. Love must manifest itself in everything you do in life, and that means throughout the day. When I say, "Start the day with love, spend the day with love, fill the day with love, end the day with love", I mean just that. You can repeat these words, but do you really put them into practice?

So My message for you today is just one word, "Love" with a capital L. Love each other. Express love whenever you speak to anyone, whether close friend or otherwise. Love is infectious. As you express love, you are a channel for My love, that very same love through which I created the universe in order to see My love manifesting itself in the world. It is my leela, or God's play. Life is just one constant flow of love.

How can you yourself experience My love? First, by linking up with Me at all moments of the day. But, equally important, by service to your fellowman. There are a thousand forms of service and a thousand ways in which you can be a channel to express My love. It is through this service to your fellowman that you can feel the nourishing effects of My love and allow it to warm the innermost part of your body and soul.

This day I send my special love to each one of you. Treat it like a lighted candle, nourish it, protect it, and pass on the light and the warmth that goes with it to everyone you meet. Truly learn to love one another.

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love : Love is the Message for Today

Love is the message for today. Why do you think I give you messages day after day about love? It is because love is God and this is the way to find God and to bring God into your lives.

But few of you listen! You are so embedded in materialism that your minds fail to absorb or grasp the significance of what I am telling you. So I repeat My message, over and over again.

There is no other path to God except through love and service. Love comes first because it leads you on to service, that is service that comes from the heart. This is the only service that is of any value. You serve because of the love that wells up in your heart. It is so strong, this flow of love, My love, that it impels you to share it with others and you can best do this through simple service to humanity, helping the sick, the poor and the suffering. All are My children and all are crying out for love.

Each one of you should be a channel for the outpouring of My love all over the world. My source of love is unlimited, it fills the whole universe and even then it overflows. How can you turn away and refuse the opportunity which I have given each one of you in this lifetime?

Turn to God, drink in the divine love that I offer you and experience the feeling of divine bliss which will come when you yourself are so full of love that it overflows and reaches all around you.

That is a state of divine bliss and leads to liberation and merging with God.

Vol.1 - Introduction

In 1979, I picked up a magazine and opened it at random. My eyes fell on an article about Sai Baba and this was my first introduction to our beloved Baba.

For many years I had been searching for the truth and an acceptable philosophy of life and here I found the answer overnight in the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I was even more fortunate as I also found that I could link up in meditation with my new master and receive messages from him.

I was so fascinated that I wanted to go to India immediately to see this wonderful holy man. But, one of the earliest messages said quite clearly, "Not now, later."

However, in the summer of 1980, I received another message which said, "I will speak to you in Bombay." That seemed more encouraging. The following January I set off for India with three friends and spent three weeks in Bangalore, visiting Brindavan twice a day to see Baba. Our return home via Bombay coincided with a short visit by Baba to that city, and on the very last day, we were granted a private interview at Dharmakshetra in Bombay. Swami duly spoke to us in Bombay, as He had said in the message, and our interview lasted more than half an hour, an unbelievable experience.

In October 1981, we were back again in India and, by this time, I was receiving much longer messages. At a private interview I decided to ask Swami for confirmation that the messages were definitely from him. His answer was, "Yes, where do you think they come from, the sky?" I also asked if I could share some of these beautiful messages with others and his reply was "You must, you must."

On our latest visit, I asked Swami if I could publish some of the messages in a book so that everyone could share them, and He gave His blessing. It is, therefore, my privilege to offer this book at the lotus feet of our Lord, Bhagavan Baba, and I hope that readers will find these messages as uplifting as I have done in the past.

Lucas Ralli

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Vol.1 - Foreword by N.Kasturi

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, when speaking of himself, uses the name "Swami" meaning "Master"; we too address him so, since that word emboldens us to move closer to his feet and imbibe, as pupils, the lessons he lovingly teaches us with translucent clarity. However incompetent and incorrigible we are, his love enfolds us and unfolds the petals of truth, goodness, beauty and serenity dormant in our divine core.

Those feet, those lessons, that love are available to seekers everywhere, wherever they are. One step is enough to contact him. He has announced, "I am all over the world, every inch of it." "I do not weigh credentials. If you need me, you deserve me." "Transmute your heart into a Prasanthi Nilayam (The Abode of Supreme Peace); I shall gladly stay therein. Accept me as your sarathi (Charioteer), as Arjuna did when I was Krishna; I shall guide you to victory. I shall allay your doubts and fears, teaching you the Gita which you need."

No fear is too formidable for him, no doubt is too desperate. His smile is as sun to the fog. Ask, he answers. Knock; he welcomes. Droop; he makes you bloom. He is the nearest and the readiest refuge. He tells us, "I have no name nor do I belong to any one place. Call me by any name; I shall respond. Long for me from any place; you can see me there. When you confess, "I am yours", I reply, "You are mine".

When Swami resides in the Prashanti Nilayam, we prepare for him in our hearts, he blesses us with his counsel on every occasion of need. These messages are his gifts of Grace. They are authentic Sai gold minted into shining coins for furthering happier living and deeper loving.

Swami has revealed that he is neither man nor angel, nor sage nor saint. He is the Teacher of Truth, he says. He teaches us at all times and in all places and through all means. Each message from him to those who plead and pray is a boon to be adored in gratitude.

Brother Lucas Ralli has earned these precious messages, these unique Gita lessons, and won approval to share them with us. The Avatar has come to rescue mankind from disaster. Let us be wanted in time; let us listen to the lessons enshrined in this book and surrender our "wills" and "wonts" to his all comprehensive love.
