Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Unity

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Free Will

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Food for the Lord

Food for the Lord is a manifestation of your utter devotion and love of the Lord. It must come from your heart, not from your kitchen. I am hungry, but only for your love.
You are so immersed in life on earth, in all its aspects, some pleasant, some not so pleasant and you associate yourself with those aspects. Turn to the higher self, the real you within, and then slowly the higher self will begin to manifest and your life will change, your whole outlook will change because, when this happens, you are bound to be happy. It is the beginning of the path to ultimate and permanent bliss. Association with life on the material plane can never bring permanent relief for the needs of the soul. It is merely a playground for the desires of the lower aspects of man; the body, mind and senses. There is desire, there is mind, but there is no way to satisfy the unquenchable thirst of the mind and all its many desires. You can have this or that, but it simply leads to more desires, and then even more.
But free will always exists in man. While you are ignorant about spiritual matters, there is no choice. However, as you become awakened, the knowledge comes to the surface and you are presented with a challenge. You are in that position now. It can last over many lifetimes, until you make the only choice that can resolve the dilemma and lead you out of the darkness towards the light. All physical experience is an aspect of darkness, or the unreal. It is like a temporary fog which covers the ground and obscures the beautiful view that actually lies in front of you. You are the creator of that fog and only you can clear it away.
Think about these things and know that the solution to your problems lies in releasing that power house of love that is stored within. When you open the gates and allow that love, My love, to pour out and manifest itself all around you, then the fog will clear and you will see the way ahead. When that happens you will be offering Me the food for which I was patiently waiting.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Depression

Depression is isolation, that is, separation from God. How could a man, filled with the love of God, aware of God's presence twenty-four hours a day, living his life in harmony with God, ever get depressed?
Depression results from ignorance and the lack of awakening or any desire to find the truth or to find God Himself.
Such people can be helped through others who can enlighten them. The truth has no bounds, for the truth is an aspect of God and represents the whole. It is this isolation from God that is man's greatest problem and it results from years of separation, during which man has chosen to reside in the wilderness instead of the heaven that lies within his own being.
Life with God is bliss. Life without God is depressing and totally unsatisfying and unfulfilling.
Go out into the world and spread the message of the Lord. Let My message spread to every corner of the earth. In the end the truth will prevail and peace and harmony will return to the world.
It will take time, for man has free will and God will not take away the gift that He has given to mankind, a gift which is balanced by the love which the Lord pours out and showers upon you, regardless of the state of your soul.
You have love, you have freedom, you have everything and you alone can make the choice of which path to follow. It is like a maze; some confusion, false starts, sudden dead ends and then new beginnings. But all the time there is only one path that leads out of the maze, the path back to God. Everyone will find it in the end but, for some, it may take eons of time before they see the light, that is, the light which is always there to guide them along the right path.
Man is distracted by desire and by the apparent fascination of material things, all of them a form of illusion. Look around you now and consider what is the truth and what is transient. How much of what you see will be there and in the form for ever? How can these things, these attractions, give you satisfaction for ever? They are transient, illusion, here today and gone tomorrow.
Do not get immersed in material things or be overcome by desire. These will weigh you down and divert you from the only path that is worth following. Yes, My children, you are in a maze and you must find your way out. Resolve to leave the maze and know that, when you do get out, you will find salvation and eternal bliss which lie at the end of the road. This is where the Lord Himself waits for you and, when you arrive, He will take you into His arms and you will merge with Him for ever more.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Violence in the World

Only the Lord can see the past, the total past of everyone and everything, every event and even every thought. Only the Lord can see the future, as He can see that picture now, the creation of the past, the present and the future, all are NOW to Him. But the picture changes as man progresses on the spiritual path, and you should never despair even when you witness some tragic event like the recent violence.
What should you think at such a time? You should concentrate on your own personal sadhana. Examine yourself and your own progress on the spiritual path. Are you changing as time passes? Have you given up those bad habits of the past? Are you full of love, like a fountain which continually throws out its water in a beautiful cascade? You should emulate the fountain and become a fountain of love, Sai love. For it is love alone that can save man and the earth itself from destruction.
Love is God and, when it flows freely, it means that you are allowing God to enter into your life.
See the world as it is, a training ground. Do not waste the opportunity to get that training so that you are better prepared for the next stage in your evolution. God provides the facilities, God shows you how to use them, but you have to take the initiative and make your own decisions.
Be positive in all your thoughts and, when disaster strikes, realise that it is simply a passing phase, something to overcome. Such is the event to which you refer. In a hundred years it will be in the history books and, at that time, those souls who are here on earth will be worrying about other matters.
So, look ahead, and not backwards, and know that the divine awakening lies ahead. The path is through God, with God, in God, always remembering that God is Love.