You have free will and you exercise it every minute of the day. Are you not aware of this? But Swami is the controller of the universe and plans the pattern of events far into the future. You are all involved in that plan, however big or small is the part that you are to play in Swami's plans. You can interfere with Swami's plans, and man has done so, but the eventual outcome of Swami's plans is always inevitable according to Swami's will.. You may delay an event or cause it to happen in a slightly different way to the way Swami would wish, but Swami is the great balancer and will always restore the balance within the world whenever He wishes.
So do not think you do not have free will. You do and it is right that you exercise it every minute of the day. As you evolve, you will use that free will in the correct way and link it perfectly to Swami's plans, for all Swami's plans are perfect. Sometimes you will make mistakes but that does not matter, so long as you learn from them.
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