Depression is isolation, that is, separation from God. How could a man, filled with the love of God, aware of God's presence twenty-four hours a day, living his life in harmony with God, ever get depressed?
Depression results from ignorance and the lack of awakening or any desire to find the truth or to find God Himself.
Such people can be helped through others who can enlighten them. The truth has no bounds, for the truth is an aspect of God and represents the whole. It is this isolation from God that is man's greatest problem and it results from years of separation, during which man has chosen to reside in the wilderness instead of the heaven that lies within his own being.
Life with God is bliss. Life without God is depressing and totally unsatisfying and unfulfilling.
Go out into the world and spread the message of the Lord. Let My message spread to every corner of the earth. In the end the truth will prevail and peace and harmony will return to the world.
It will take time, for man has free will and God will not take away the gift that He has given to mankind, a gift which is balanced by the love which the Lord pours out and showers upon you, regardless of the state of your soul.
You have love, you have freedom, you have everything and you alone can make the choice of which path to follow. It is like a maze; some confusion, false starts, sudden dead ends and then new beginnings. But all the time there is only one path that leads out of the maze, the path back to God. Everyone will find it in the end but, for some, it may take eons of time before they see the light, that is, the light which is always there to guide them along the right path.
Man is distracted by desire and by the apparent fascination of material things, all of them a form of illusion. Look around you now and consider what is the truth and what is transient. How much of what you see will be there and in the form for ever? How can these things, these attractions, give you satisfaction for ever? They are transient, illusion, here today and gone tomorrow.
Do not get immersed in material things or be overcome by desire. These will weigh you down and divert you from the only path that is worth following. Yes, My children, you are in a maze and you must find your way out. Resolve to leave the maze and know that, when you do get out, you will find salvation and eternal bliss which lie at the end of the road. This is where the Lord Himself waits for you and, when you arrive, He will take you into His arms and you will merge with Him for ever more.
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