Where is the love, the love that pours from heavens, the source, the fountain head, the Godhead, call it which ever name you like?
Stop and consider where it is at this moment in relation to yourself. How do you feel? Tired, worn out, no energy, utterly exhausted before the day begins. Why is this? It means you re closed off, separated from the source and it is you yourself who have put up a barrier for one reason or another.
Even at this moment you can smell the sweet fragrance of jasmine, a manifestation of the love that pours out from the heavens. There is no separation from the source in this case.
Open your hearts and they will be filled with love, My love, and then you will be recharged with superhuman energy.
Breathe in My love and My energy and feel your whole being vibrating in perfect harmony with the universe and with God Himself. This is the secret of good health, good living and boundless energy. All of you should do the same and transform your lives into a more vibrant state, so that you can fulfil the task for which you have incarnated.
Never look on the dark side of anything, regardless of the apparent gravity of the situation. Turn to God, to the source, breathe in the sweet love and divine energy that fill the universe. Laugh in happiness and experience the bliss of being at one with God.
All worldly problems will simply melt away and be seen to be what they really are: nothing more than stones on the path. You have the ability to walk over these stones and leave them behind you for ever more.
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