Look up in the heavens and observe the universe in all its glory. Look into your own heart and know that it is the house of the Lord, for He is omnipresent and resides there.
Consider the purpose of your life. Meditate on the lessons you have learned and contemplate the way ahead.
Man tends to make some progress and then stagnate, not knowing where to go beyond that point. But the path ahead is always there, right in front of him, the path that leads through service to humanity towards a closer and closer relationship with God, for all humanity is God.
Never concern yourself with the ups and downs of daily life, for these are like the waves of the ocean. They come, they go, and so it is with daily life. The traumas of the day, when they come, eventually pass. Observe them but do not become involved in them. Look on them as a passing pattern, nothing of permanent consequences.
But man is permanent for man is an eternal being. Contemplate that thought and try to purify your whole life. Purity, unity and divinity are the very pillars of life itself.
Man is confused at the present time but the dawn of awakening is at hand. Retain that thought in your mind, that happier times lie ahead, and do not become part of the confusion that surrounds you.
Turn to God in moments of despair, knowing that God alone is the permanent guiding light in your life, never affected by anything, never wavering, just like the brightest star in the sky, always shining for everyone to see.
You need to develop those qualities so that you too shine like another bright star and become a reflection of the God within manifesting at the highest level.
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