Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Conclusion: Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:What Can I Do for You, Lord?

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Saiday
Why do you gather here for My birthday, dear children? Is it to see the light? Some of you have seen the light; others are aware that the light exists and now they must find it and follow the only path that will lead them back to divinity and the ultimate merging of the soul with the Lord. I am that light and I am everywhere. I am here as you read these words. Just pause for a few moments and try to feel and experience My omnipresence.
This is the secret, the mystery of life; to experience the omnipresence of the Lord, for it brings with it the opening to a new life, that is, a life in the infinite presence of the Lord. In that state the Lord takes care of you and your whole life. It is the choice of a life in isolation and obscurity, or life in the everlasting presence of the Lord. You have that choice and only you can bring about the change.
Meditate on these thoughts, talk to the Lord at every opportunity during the day, and then He will come to you. Become aware of His presence everywhere, in everyone and everything, and the fact that in reality there is only God. All other thoughts are a form of illusion.
Love is the path to God for true love is God. Bring love into your lives, love one another and then you will prepare the way for God to walk beside you on that long journey that leads back to the divine state.
This is the secret, the mystery of life; to experience the omnipresence of the Lord, for it brings with it the opening to a new life, that is, a life in the infinite presence of the Lord. In that state the Lord takes care of you and your whole life. It is the choice of a life in isolation and obscurity, or life in the everlasting presence of the Lord. You have that choice and only you can bring about the change.
Meditate on these thoughts, talk to the Lord at every opportunity during the day, and then He will come to you. Become aware of His presence everywhere, in everyone and everything, and the fact that in reality there is only God. All other thoughts are a form of illusion.
Love is the path to God for true love is God. Bring love into your lives, love one another and then you will prepare the way for God to walk beside you on that long journey that leads back to the divine state.
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Unity of God's Way
Co-operation results from an expanding heart. Where there is none, it is due to a failure to open the heart, and it means that the animal instincts remain in the ascendant. Thus, the ego remains strong, and with it desire. Against such a background, the will to co-operate does not come easily.
Look at your own Sai organisation. Why is it unsatisfactory? There are factions here, factions there. Half of them do not rally know what they want, except only that they do not wish to co-operate. It is a form of protest and shows the true state of their souls. But one must try to help them, find out what they want and try to bring them back into the fold to be part of the whole.
I have said many times there is no unity in your country and it is so. All these cliques, petty squabbles, even among people in high positions. No one seems to have reached a full understanding of My message and few people reflect the love which I have showered upon them. They are separated, isolated, and they try to continue their own lives along the same old lines, but this will lead them nowhere. Even those who visit Me are little better. They come, they go, but what happens? They simply return to their old habits and their old way of life and make no real effort to put My teachings into practice.
But change will come. The day of awakening is not so far away and when it comes there will be a revelation of the true power of God, a manifestation of the omnipresence of the Lord. This will be the signal for a great move forward and the weeding out of those who are not ready to accept the challenge of the moment. It will be just so, mark My words. But few will listen, very few.
After the storm there will be a new beginning and the atmosphere will be completely different. It will be like a new age, the age of love, harmony and co-operation replacing the age of war, fighting, hatred, jealousy, greed and all those negative aspects of life. Everyone should prepare NOW for this change, for I promise you that it will come, and only those who are ready will survive.
I have given the warning, I have given My message a thousand times and no one who hears My words can claim ignorance. Do not delay action to put right your own life style and to change it to the way of God. There is no other way.
Look at your own Sai organisation. Why is it unsatisfactory? There are factions here, factions there. Half of them do not rally know what they want, except only that they do not wish to co-operate. It is a form of protest and shows the true state of their souls. But one must try to help them, find out what they want and try to bring them back into the fold to be part of the whole.
I have said many times there is no unity in your country and it is so. All these cliques, petty squabbles, even among people in high positions. No one seems to have reached a full understanding of My message and few people reflect the love which I have showered upon them. They are separated, isolated, and they try to continue their own lives along the same old lines, but this will lead them nowhere. Even those who visit Me are little better. They come, they go, but what happens? They simply return to their old habits and their old way of life and make no real effort to put My teachings into practice.
But change will come. The day of awakening is not so far away and when it comes there will be a revelation of the true power of God, a manifestation of the omnipresence of the Lord. This will be the signal for a great move forward and the weeding out of those who are not ready to accept the challenge of the moment. It will be just so, mark My words. But few will listen, very few.
After the storm there will be a new beginning and the atmosphere will be completely different. It will be like a new age, the age of love, harmony and co-operation replacing the age of war, fighting, hatred, jealousy, greed and all those negative aspects of life. Everyone should prepare NOW for this change, for I promise you that it will come, and only those who are ready will survive.
I have given the warning, I have given My message a thousand times and no one who hears My words can claim ignorance. Do not delay action to put right your own life style and to change it to the way of God. There is no other way.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Night of Shiva's Moon
What is Shivaratri? It is the opening up of fresh thoughts in preparation for the year ahead. These occasions should be ones of deep meditation, an opportunity to look deep inside yourselves, to look at the real position within, the state of your soul and its progress on the spiritual path. It is a time of decision, a time and opportunity for a new move forward onto a better path. That is what I ask each one of you to do every day!
You sit, you listen, you read My teachings. What is the good, unless you put these teachings into practise?
I watch every movement, every thought, every action of yours. You should do the same and constantly ask yourselves if these thoughts and actions are based on the teachings of the Lord. They are not! But today is yet another day of opportunity, a chance to make that new start on the only path that can lead to true divinity and eventual liberation from the chains that bind you to constant rebirth in the physical body. Those chains are desire, unfulfilled desire, desire for all that is transient, unnecessary and unfulfilling.
Man must overcome desire and turn to love because, if you fill your heart with the love of God, your desire for material things and sensual pleasures will slowly fall away.
I am always with you, always there to help and guide, but only you can take the decision to change your own way of life and break those habits that lead you astray.
Life spiritual is God. Life material is illusion.
Make the choice today to see the light and live your life from now on in perfect harmony with the Lord.
Liberation may take time to achieve, but peace will come to your minds as soon as you put your feet, and your heart, on the true spiritual path.
You sit, you listen, you read My teachings. What is the good, unless you put these teachings into practise?
I watch every movement, every thought, every action of yours. You should do the same and constantly ask yourselves if these thoughts and actions are based on the teachings of the Lord. They are not! But today is yet another day of opportunity, a chance to make that new start on the only path that can lead to true divinity and eventual liberation from the chains that bind you to constant rebirth in the physical body. Those chains are desire, unfulfilled desire, desire for all that is transient, unnecessary and unfulfilling.
Man must overcome desire and turn to love because, if you fill your heart with the love of God, your desire for material things and sensual pleasures will slowly fall away.
I am always with you, always there to help and guide, but only you can take the decision to change your own way of life and break those habits that lead you astray.
Life spiritual is God. Life material is illusion.
Make the choice today to see the light and live your life from now on in perfect harmony with the Lord.
Liberation may take time to achieve, but peace will come to your minds as soon as you put your feet, and your heart, on the true spiritual path.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Divine Spring

It is good that you spread the word of the Lord, for now is the time of awakening for your planet and all those who reside there. The days of darkness are drawing to a close and the shadows lengthening until they disappear, to be replaced by brilliant sunshine, so strong that it will cleanse the planet and leave it ready for a new golden era.
Some are ready, some are not. Those who are ready will be drawn to the Sai groups that will be formed all over the world. They will spring up naturally because I will call the people and organise them, even though they may think they are doing it themselves.
There will be many wondrous signs to show the presence of the Lord in all these plans and developments.
You all have important parts to play, so simply continue as you are doing, and let the flowers spring up all around you. I am in every one of those flowers for I am the light and will show you the way.
God does not reveal all His plans in advance, the mystery of the Lord will always remain.
Fear not, my children, all will be well. Love and light will replace the darkness and a new era will be upon you very soon.
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Presence of God
Swami is omnipresent and is here with you now. Omnipresence is something which may be difficult for some of you to understand, but it means that I am with each one of you all the time, every movement of your lives, hence I know every thought you have ever had. Few of you bother to make use of this omnipresence or are even aware of it. If you can learn to bring me into your lives, then slowly, you will begin to reap the benefits from an awareness of the God within.
You spend so much of your time worrying about petty problems, but most of these are here today and gone tomorrow. What is their importance in the eternal life? Offer your problems to Me and see what a difference it makes when you bring Me into your lives. Have no fear of life, for it is like a playground where you gain certain experiences. Use this time to prepare yourselves for the eternal life that lies ahead. As I have often said, "Why fear when I am here?".
Remember the teachings of Christ, for these same teachings are what I am teaching today. Remember above all things that God is love and learn to love one another. Remember what I told you the other day, when you asked how you could help Swami. BE LIKE A BEACON IN THE SKY, RADIATING LOVE AND LIGHT. These remarks apply to all of you.
You spend so much of your time worrying about petty problems, but most of these are here today and gone tomorrow. What is their importance in the eternal life? Offer your problems to Me and see what a difference it makes when you bring Me into your lives. Have no fear of life, for it is like a playground where you gain certain experiences. Use this time to prepare yourselves for the eternal life that lies ahead. As I have often said, "Why fear when I am here?".
Remember the teachings of Christ, for these same teachings are what I am teaching today. Remember above all things that God is love and learn to love one another. Remember what I told you the other day, when you asked how you could help Swami. BE LIKE A BEACON IN THE SKY, RADIATING LOVE AND LIGHT. These remarks apply to all of you.
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Peace
Glorious is life in the presence of the Lord. All earthly thoughts merge with the divine ad all worries dissolve, for the Lord has no worries. Then the sun shines incessantly as a glowing flame within the heart and illumines the whole being and the world around.
Can you imagine a whole crowd of people, all perfectly attuned to divinity, all glowing within and without? It is a state of ecstasy when you can truly say I AM.
Love must flow incessantly for love is the life force, the sustainer of the whole universe.
What problems can possibly remain if you follow the teachings of the Lord?
Contemplate these thoughts and try to follow in the divine footsteps until you and God are one. Then peace, happiness, tranquility and contentment will replace the worries of daily life; and all doubts and fears will cease to be.
Can you imagine a whole crowd of people, all perfectly attuned to divinity, all glowing within and without? It is a state of ecstasy when you can truly say I AM.
Love must flow incessantly for love is the life force, the sustainer of the whole universe.
What problems can possibly remain if you follow the teachings of the Lord?
Contemplate these thoughts and try to follow in the divine footsteps until you and God are one. Then peace, happiness, tranquility and contentment will replace the worries of daily life; and all doubts and fears will cease to be.
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