On this auspicious day you should concentrate on that form, the Sai Avatar, and contemplate exactly how you relate to Him at the present moment.
Some of you are new devotees, some have been devotees for many years, but all are My children. All are on the same path and you will only find that path through the Sai Avatar and the teachings which are now so well known.
Look back and consider what changes have taken place in your life since you found Me. Have you really changed and does your present way of life reflect an understanding of who you really are? Is the process of change continuing day by day and are you drawing closer to Me as each day passes?
Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-Violence are what I teach, and service to fellow man, which must follow as the heart opens and you begin to treat and see others as yourself, all one, all God. So, My birthday should be a day of celebration and contemplation, the latter being more important.
I have said many times that My life is My message and you too should be able to say the same thing, that your life is your message. But you can only say this when you really live your life according to My teachings and abandon for ever more those had habits of the past.
Let your lives be so full of love that you can be seen to be what you really are, all of you, children of the living God and beacon of Sai love and light.
It is this outpouring of Sai love and light, My love, that can save the world and bring back peeace and harmony to the people in so many troubled lands.
You are the instruments and I have given each one of you the golden opportunity to work for Sai and humanity. Do not throw away that opportunity.
(Birthday Message November 1984)
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