I am the Lord of the Universe, the Creator, and I have created each one of you individually, hence I know and recognise each one of you when you come to see me in India. I know all about you. I am with each one of you now so I know the thoughts of every single person, as well as what you were thinking yesterday and the day before. Watch your thoughts because it is through these thoughts that you create your own future.
I created you in a state of perfection because you are part of Me. But, during the passage of many lives, you are tossed about by the waves of life and you lose your awareness of divinity. As you get lost, you get more and more drawn away by the materialistic attractions of life in the flesh, life with body, life on earth, and you get more and more confused. Then quite suddenly comes the awakening and it may come at any time. This is the rebirth, the reawakening to the awareness of the divinity within. When this awareness comes, how can you possibly desire anything, except to reach out for God and merge in Him once again, thus experiencing true divinity and perfect bliss?
There will be many temptations on this arduous path but these experiences will prepare you for the long journey ahead.
On this auspicious day, realise that it is a day of rebirth, a chance of rebirth for each one of you. Look at your desires and cravings. Examine them one by one and take a positive decision to cut them out and eliminate them during the course of the year ahead. Examine them again each year on My birthday and keep a record of the progress you have made on the path to divinity. Only in the desireless state can you reach divinity, and yet, it is within the power and grasp of each one of you to reach that state of pure bliss.
Make a new start today.
(Birthday Message 1982)
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