Saturday, May 22, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Peace

Glorious is life in the presence of the Lord. All earthly thoughts merge with the divine ad all worries dissolve, for the Lord has no worries. Then the sun shines incessantly as a glowing flame within the heart and illumines the whole being and the world around.

Can you imagine a whole crowd of people, all perfectly attuned to divinity, all glowing within and without? It is a state of ecstasy when you can truly say I AM.

Love must flow incessantly for love is the life force, the sustainer of the whole universe.

What problems can possibly remain if you follow the teachings of the Lord?

Contemplate these thoughts and try to follow in the divine footsteps until you and God are one. Then peace, happiness, tranquility and contentment will replace the worries of daily life; and all doubts and fears will cease to be.

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