The sea has many moods as you saw last night (watching television), but always there are periods of calm in the same way that happiness is a period between two pains. See the whole world like this, see your own lives like this and welcome all difficulties as further experiences necessary for your own development and good.
When you evolve further along the path, either these difficulties will not come into your lives any more, or your reaction to them will be entirely neutral and they will no longer affect you, emotionally or in any other way.
What are these problems that disturb you so much? Insecurity is behind them, lack of faith in yourself and doubt about your ability to overcome worldly difficulties. There is ego too, and you wonder how all this will affect you.
All this needs continuous examination until you reach the point where you know that you and God are one, and then nothing will disturb or distress you.
Meditate upon these thoughts, know that I am there at all times, talk to Me more often and put your trust inMe and then the quality of your life will improve.
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