When you celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ, you should celebrate also your own birth and the fact that you are here on earth in this form.
Christmas should be a time of self-examination. Christ came 2,000 years ago to awaken man to the truth. Today the Sai Avatar is here with the same message. It is such an opportunity that you have and yet so few of you are taking it. How many have really become awakened? How many have really changed their life style as a result of My teachings? How many of you are motivated by love at all that you do? The Lord cannot be deceived.
My children, awaken before it is too late. The present life comes and goes and time passes ever more quickly. What are you doing as each day passes? Are you really changing your way of life and moving away from earth-bound darkness into the light, back towards the Godhead?
I am with you always, in your midst, so you do not even need to come to India to find Me. Find Me here today, in your heart, ever present, and consider the truth that you and God are one. When you know this, your way of life will change as well as your attitude towards those around you, for they too are My children.
Celebrate Christmas, celebrate your own presence on the earth and then come to terms with the truth of who you really are. Celebrate the wonderful opportunity that lies ahead in the light of that understanding and start afresh on a new path: the only path that will lead you out of the wilderness and back to the Godhead, where liberation and the total merging of the soul with God bring divine bliss.
In the process, as you move along that path, you should become a great beacon of light, lighting up the path so that others can also find the way. This is the highest form of personal sadhana.
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