It is good that you spread the word of the Lord, for now is the time of awakening for your planet and all those who reside there. The days of darkness are drawing to a close and the shadows lengthening until they disappear, to be replaced by brilliant sunshine, so strong that it will cleanse the planet and leave it ready for a new golden era.
Some are ready, some are not. Those who are ready will be drawn to the Sai groups that will be formed all over the world. They will spring up naturally because I will call the people and organise them, even though they may think they are doing it themselves.
There will be many wondrous signs to show the presence of the Lord in all these plans and developments.
You all have important parts to play, so simply continue as you are doing, and let the flowers spring up all around you. I am in every one of those flowers for I am the light and will show you the way.
God does not reveal all His plans in advance, the mystery of the Lord will always remain.
Fear not, my children, all will be well. Love and light will replace the darkness and a new era will be upon you very soon.
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