Friday, January 29, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Obstacles

My children, you have changed already and the process continues and will continue. In a little while you will move into calmer waters and you will benefit (within) from the experiences which you have been through. Really, you should welcome these obstacles, which present you with the chance to wipe the slate clean in this lifetime.

Believe Me, what I tell you is the truth, and you should meditate upon My words so that you do not let this chance slip by. That would be the tragedy, not what is happening, for that is really here for your own good. If you look dispassionately at what is going on, it is life working itself out. You, like Me, are the witnesses. How do I react? I sit, I watch, I help, but seldom do I interfere. You should do much the same, except that you should always concentrate on giving whatever help you can to those around you, those souls who come into your lives for one reason or another.

It is never as bad as you think at the time. Look at the traumas of the past and how they are now all in the past. Is that not so? Soon the traumas of today will also be in the past; and all that matters is what you have learnt from the experiences. So, welcome the obstacles and never fear them.

Live in truth, then nothing can touch or harm you, for you are God Himself and God is untouchable.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Facing up to Life's Difficulties

It is good that you ask Me, for you are confused, and even though all is God, confusion can and does exist.

The manifestation of God is at many levels because all levels are simply different aspects of God. God is everyone and everything. So, when you consider the problems that face you, contemplate the thought that all is God even all problems are God, just different manifestations.

You have to decide how to relate to all this and the particular experiences that come to you in each life time. Sudden decisions to this or that, or to opt out of this or that, will only bring what appears to be temporary relief, a token satisfaction. But the fact that these experiences have come in this life is the important thing, because it means you have a direct opportunity to face such problems, solve them, learn from the lessons which they bring, and then pass on, leaving behind a cleaner state. If, however, you shy away, you merely postpone the working out of this part of your karmic state. So, be like the wise souls who welcome difficulties and grasp the chance to face them and, thus, the opportunity to move ahead on the spiritual path.

Look at all problems in this way, as opportunities, not real difficulties. At the same time, you get the opportunity to help others whose past karmas are inextricably linked to your own.

Everything will fall into place, although seldom in quite the way you expect, but that is not important. What is important is that you remain intact, on the path, and do not allow yourself to be drawn away to some sidewater, where you appear to find rest, but which takes you away from the true spiritual path. Contemplate all these thoughts as you decide what to do.

It is right to be firm, but fair, when you are in a position of trust and authority. Do not lower yourself to the levels which some people reach in moments of anger, because that will not do anyone any good, nor will it solve the problem.

Be kind, be understanding, be tolerant, be logical, be true to your own self and do not be influenced by emotion whether it is your own or the emotion of others around you.

I will help you. The problems are not as big as you think. There is nothing which cannot be solved with a little patience, love and understanding.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Security and Insecurity

Uncertainty is familiar to all of you. You know the past, you think you know the present, but the future is known only to God. Why is this?

If you knew everything, you would stagnate and there would be no incentive to act. But it is only through activity, soul activity, that you can find your way back to God. Uncertainty is therefore a necessity of life and it should make you look inside, look outside, and look all around you so that you can assess the situation. You then become curious and wonder what is going to happen, perhaps this or that ...?

But the plan of God is certain, it is known, it is timeless, everyone is involved and you are all part of that plan. God's plan is the plan of the universe and encompasses everything within, from the most distant galaxies to the smallest living matter on earth.

You should think about this and consider how you relate to the whole. Your future is known to God and He knows that all will eventually find the true path. But due to the timeless nature of God's creation, and the free will which God has given to man, you retain the freedom to decide when to take positive action to move along the path. You can delay for one life and the next and lives beyond that, and many of you will do this. But once you are awakened to the truth, you should take that action now, action which you know must be taken sooner or later. Why delay? You delay because you are so immersed in material pursuits that you do not want to change. You feel the present way of life offers security, convenience and some happiness, but is that really so? If so, you are leading a life of illusion.

What should you do? What would you do if you really believed the truth? Would you not do something? Would you not make some changes in your life style and the way you behave, especially towards other people?

Once you become aware of the omnipresence of God, how can you ignore Him and leave Him out of your life to the extent that you now do? Most of you are oblivious to the fact that you and God are one and that you yourself are part of the whole, which itself is God. So bring God into your daily lives, talk to Him and have a continuous dialogue with Him during the day, and let it be His will in all that you do. Surrender to that will and know that He will take care of you. Then and then only will peace come into your life, and all the worries of the past and the present will be seen to be what they really are, a manifestation of separation from God and a failure to surrender to His will. It is your will that has been in the ascendant during the past and your will has not produced the peace of mind which you would like to enjoy. Peace of mind can only come after surrender. From that point on it is impossible to experience fear, anxiety, insecurity, worry or the lack of anything, for God will provide for all your needs.

That is the state of bliss, the point at which you approach the threshold, of the total merging of the soul with the Lord Himself.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Negative Feelings

Purity, harmony, unity, divinity, love, co-operation, service, all these are positive.
Ego, jealousy, anger, desire, all these are negative.
Each group represents the opposites.
When you experience any of the negative feelings, just look for the opposite. It is like a coin. Toss the coin and it turns up tails. Turn it over and you get heads.
Everyday you will experience some of the negative feelings, frustration being one of them, and it arises from the negative elements which I have mentioned.
As soon as these negative feelings become apparent, replace them immediately with thoughts of love, harmony, unity, divinity, and a feeling that all is one, all is God. Then your negative feelings will be dissipated and replaced with something positive.
It is a form of mental exercise and you can practise it throughout the day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes - Freedom

Freedom is liberty of the mind, freedom of action in all that you do. You have your laws in every country and you are required to live within the framework of those laws, but this still leaves you with great freedom in the way that you actually live and behave.

Examine this freedom and the way that you live, and consider whether you are also living your life according to the laws of God. What are those laws? They are reflected in the teachings of the Lord, teachings which have been handed down over many centuries, teachings which have been reinforced by the divine incarnation of the Sai Avatar. Notice the similarity in the teachings of Christ and the Prophets and the teachings which I offer to you today.

God is love. Bring love into your lives and you will approach the Kingdom of Heaven, not a place, as you understand it, but a state of being, a level of consciousness, the Christ level of consciousness where you and God unite and become one.

This is the goal of every living soul and it is a path which may seem long and arduous, but that is only because so few of you tread the path in the right way, or even in the right direction.

You need a compass, a Sai compass, that is a compass which reflects the teachings of Sai. If you steer your way forward with the Sai compass, you will reach the goal and you will experience on the path showers of Sai love which fall on you from all directions. That is the food which you need to sustain you on the journey and it is the only food which will give you the sustenance which your body and soul require on the long journey.

Start that journey afresh today, equipped with the Sai compass and never waver from the path, regardless of its distractions which you experience during the journey.

Desire will remain until love fills your heart to such an extent that there is no longer room for anything else. When love overflows, as it does when the Lord showers it upon you, then and only then do you become immune to any aspect of earthly desire. At that stage you see only God, desire only God, and finally you become God with the complete merging of the soul.

That is ultimate liberation and every one's goal.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Life Without Love

I am with you always, even though you do not see Me. Where am I? In the very heart of each one of you. So you can feel me, experience me, feel My love and compassion even though you may not see Me.

Why do you not love one another? How is it possible that there are these jealousies, even in the Sai movement? They are there because man is full of ego, and he will not learn to control his sensual feelings and his desires for, and love of, material things and material satisfaction. How misguided is such a man. What is his real reward? Just for a short while he imagines he has achieved something and he experiences some form of pleasure and satisfaction. But these feelings are temporary and cannot last. However, he who worships the Lord, loves the Lord and serves his fellowman, he will find a lasting reward, that is, an inner peace that leads him to nirvana.

So drop these stupid habits and attachments. Wake up and see how hollow is the life some of you are leading. For life without love and life without God is totally empty and unfulfilling.

Make the decision today to do something about it. It is never too late to start unless you never start. Have you started? If not, start today, in the presence of the Lord.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: I am Love

I am LOVE, the very embodiment of love.

When love flows from your heart, the very words of the Lord pour out, and these are worth a thousand times anything that man can conceive with his limited brain.

Life is eternity. Tomorrow is a point in eternity, as you see it, and you identify that moment of time. But I do not identify my moment of time for all is NOW, the past, the present and the future. Yes, all is NOW for Me as I have willed it that way.

I play out what seems to be a never ending game, perhaps God's game, but it is divine. One day you will marvel at the beauty of the permanent leela that is the work of the Lord.

I will always love you for you are My children. You must learn to love Me too for that is the only path that will lead you back to Me and enable you to realise your own divinity.

The three year birthday programme, what is that? It is just another path to lead man towards Me and the divine state. But I have no birthday.

You are thinking of bodies, but I have always been. Only My body changes and it changes at will, according to the need of the times. I have had a million "births", in this form and that, even now I stand beside you in yet another form. You may not see Me but some may feel My presence.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, I am here because of My love for each one of you, My jewels, that is how I see you.

Try to see Me as the only jewel that you could ever desire, and then you will eventually achieve divinity.

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Swami's life is Swami's Message

Swami's life is Swami's message.

Swami's life is one constant outpouring of LOVE, the love is the life force itself and I am the source of that love.

Love is infectious once it is allowed to flow. That is the secret of happiness, to open your hearts and let the love flow. Let it flow everywhere, to every corner of your own being, all around you, to friends and enemies alike, to the animals, to the plants and trees, then further afield, to other areas and other countries so that love fills the earth plane as indeed it fills the whole universe.

What prevents the flow of love? The answer is, all the negative aspects, starting with the ego itself which is man's biggest problem. No real progress can be made on the spiritual path while man allows his ego to remain in the ascendant. Ego, attachment, desire, anger, frustration, greed, all these are the enemy and must be overcome. Meditation on truth is the way, for in moments of divine peace, you can find your true self and become attuned to the Godhead (or the Atma). But desire and attachment hold man back, and he becomes obsessed with material matters, failing to realise that all these are a form of illusion, here today, gone tomorrow. Man places false values on so many worldly things, possessions and wealth being the main ones. Man too becomes obsessed with worldly power and position. But what are these in the eyes of God? They are transitory and will lead you nowhere.

Man must break away from all this and look for salvation elsewhere. Eventually, he turns to God and starts that long spiritual journey which ultimately leads him to salvation and liberation.

To live My message means to live in love, to see God in everyone and everything, to treat everyone as though they are God. Could anything be simpler? See the transforming effect which it has, even on flowers and plants. Be like a beacon in the sky, radiating love and light. That is my message for all of you. I am the source of that love and light, ever doubt that, or the power of the divine Avatar.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1- Love: When You Gather in my Name

When you gather together in My name, you provide a setting where My love can flow so freely that you may even be overwhelmed by the strength of that love and the feeling of compassion which accompanies it. It breaks down all barriers and reveals the God within, the real you which is God Himself.
I am there always but you do not realise it. It is only when you yourselves create the right conditions that you can experience My omnipresence.
The Sai Groups which have been formed are a starting point and will grow. They must be based on LOVE, devotion and service. Bear this in mind in all that you do and plan. People will be drawn to you when they are ready and I will guide others towards you. Accept them all as children of God, for they are all Mine. Each one of you plays a part in My mission.
When you surrender to the God within, your life will change and you will begin to experience that peace of mind which is normally so elusive. And when you experience that peace, regardless of the conditions around you, then you will know that your life is manifesting itself at the highest level of consciousness, where you and God are one. That is the goal and you will only achieve it through love, for love is God and God is love.
I send My love to all of you, and My blessings.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: There is Calm

There is calm, there is peace but, without love, there is nothing. When the heart opens, like the lotus, the whole world changes and you can manifest yourself as part of the whole, in perfect harmony with nature and the God force. But, without love you are like a speck of dust, bobbing about on the surface of the ocean, being buffeted by every movement all around you. That is what is happening in so many of you now: there is no love and you are separated from the source, hence you are suffering from the tribulations of all those around you and all the little problems of life.
This type of life cannot be satisfactory and few of you are really happy, even though you try to give that impression.
Awaken, My children, awaken, let love flow into your lives. Love comes from the expanding heart. Open up and let that love, My love, pour out from the centre of your very being. Only then will you experience true happiness and become immune to the worries of the world.
Love is the secret of life for love is God, the only source of true happiness. Open your hearts today and experience the divine bliss which I have given to each one of you.
When love flows from the heart, there is such compassion that you develop an overwhelming desire to go out and serve fellowman. It comes from the realisation that all are one, all are part of the whole, and the whole is God.
In reality, you and God are one, and when love flows and you are full of compassion, then you are God, for that man is God. What nobler cause could there be?
It is through service that you can become awakened and discover your own reality. Go out into the world and serve fellowman and that will lead to your own salvation.
Let love be the motivating force at all times.

Vol.1 Part.1 - Love: Why Do You Worry So Much?

Why do you worry so much? Life should be all happiness and joy! You take everything so seriously; it is not necessary, or good.
Talk about LOVE (at the meeting), for love is the very basis of life. Without love there would be no life.
Try to instill this love, which is My love, into the hearts of everyone. My love is everywhere, wanting and waiting to manifest itself, but man is so busy, too occupied with material pursuits. Love hardly finds a place in his life.
Sow the seeds of love in the hearts of men. Let them feel it, let them experience it, and when they experience My all embracing love, how can they want anything else? All desire falls away. This is the quickest and most certain way to reach the state of desirelessness.
Out of love comes service. Call it seva or any other name but service is what it means, service to fellowman. And it must be done out of love, not just because you are told to do it by someone else, whether it be the Council, your parents or any other authority.
Service is the inevitable result of pure love, the very feeling welling up inside you that you must express this love and light up the hearts of all around you. See it liked a lighted candle. You yourself have seen this spectacle in Greece at Easter time and will never forget it: the sight of those thousands of flickering candles coming down the hillside in the night from the little church at the top of the hill. All those lights come from the one source, a single candle within the church and that represents My love, the very source of life and the universe.
So go out into the world and spread My message and My love. Let it reach every corner of the earth, then all darkness will be removed and the evil forces will be overcome. Only love will remain and that is GOD.

Vol.1 Part.1 - Love: Talk To Them About Love

Talk to them (at the meeting) about love, love that fills the universe, love that is effervescent, like the sparkling waves of the ocean.
How can you love without becoming immersed in that mountain of love? Yet, some of you live such shallow lives that you do not even experience My love; you are so preoccupied with material pursuits.
Just pause at this moment in your life and consider where you are going. Have you been blown into a sidewater where you move around in small circles and never really get anywhere?
Some of you are lost on the path, completely immersed in materialism and unable even to see the light that is shining all around you. Look up into the heavens and see that light. Allow it to permeate every corner of your being, to light up your heart and soul, so that you too can be like a lantern, beaming out a great light of love to all around you.
Love is the very basis of the universe. Bring love into your lives and live in total harmony with the Creator who loves you all so much.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Where is the Love?

On this lovely morning, all is quiet, all is peaceful, but where is the love?

Love is in the heart, sometimes locked away, like precious jewellery in the home, but what is the use of having something locked away? Jewellery has no lasting value because when your earth life is over, you cannot take it with you and it is lost to you forever.

What about love? Love is there always, like the flower in the bud, hidden from sight but, at the right moment, the flower emerges from the bud and brightens all around.

Love is the same, except that you can unlock the love within your heart at will and allow it to change your whole life. Life without love is empty. Life with love is heaven.

Open your hearts today and let the love, My love, emerge from the resting place and brighten the world around you. Love is effervescent, full of energy, the very God force itself. That is love in its purest form, the real jewel that can be left on permanent display and never again locked away. But you have to release it, for you alone have the key to your own heart.

This is God's gift to man, His own love that He has poured out in such abundance that it fills the whole universe. How can any of you turn away from that love and continue on the blind narrow path that so many of you follow? You are like cars trying to travel at night, in the darkness, without any light to guide you. How can you make any progress when you can hardly see the road?

Open the heart, switch on the lights and illuminate the path ahead, as well as the whole world around you. Then you will find the way to the kingdom of heaven which is there now, even in this passing moment.

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: My Love Surrounds You

My love surrounds you, encompasses you, has actually created you and you are My love. Where is your love?

Your love can only be a reflection of My love and, when that love fails to flow freely, it is only because you fail to reflect it.

You are the mirror, an image of God, but you have allowed the mirror to become clouded and the love and light can no longer be reflected clearly.

You must look within and find a way to cleanse that mirror, to cleanse the soul by eliminating all the negative aspects, especially the ego, anger, jealousy, greed, desire, ambition and undue concern with material matters.

Turn instead to God, know God, re-establish your divine relationship with God and then, slowly, the mirror will be cleaned and you will be able to experience and reflect My love. A new light will shine from within and bring with it a sense of contentment and happiness which few of you have really experienced.

Love is God and the two will always manifest themselves together.

Be happy, be carefree, be content and know that whatever problems you may have at any time are purely transient and of no permanent consequences.

The Lord waits patiently and observes the progress of man on the spiritual path. You too should watch your progress and realise that you alone can bring about the changes in your life that will lead you back to God, along the only path that will lead there, the spiritual path.

Start the cleansing process today and put aside all negative elements that delay your progress or divert you from the true path.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Love Leads to Unity

Love leads to unity and a realisation of the truth that all are one. Love is the motivating force in the universe, for love is God.
Approach everyone and everything with love and then the frustrations of the past will evaporate. See love manifesting all around you, in the flowers, the trees, every part of nature, all part of God.
It is when love is blocked that you separate yourself from the Lord, and then you live on another (material) plane, where even pleasure and happiness are forms of illusion, for such pleasures can never last.
When you fill your life with love, you become permanently attuned to the Lord, and then you experience that divine love which brings with it the peace that passeth all understanding.
Always look on the bright side of everything. Never dwell on the problems or the difficulties that come into your life, since they are simply transient, just like the problems and difficulties of the past. They are little experiences which you need to propel you along the spiritual path and you have brought them into your life for your own good.
My child, unity is divinity.
Look for and see that unity in everyone and everything.
Unity and love are interchangeable. Where there is love, there will be unity; where there is unity, love will flow.
It is My love that flows everywhere in the universe and it is man on earth who disrupts the flow, diverts it, allowing My love to pass him by, leaving him untouched.
As you look around, you can see those who have been touched, for they absorb My love and, at the same time, reflect it, so that My love flows even more freely all around them. But there are too many who are so preoccupied with themselves and their own importance that they miss the unique opportunity which I give them, the opportunity to experience their own divinity.
Remember those words ... "I am you, you are Me, all One, all God" ... this is what I told you (at the interview) because it is the hallmark of unity. When man realises that he is divine and that all around him is also divine, how can he consider himself so much more important than his neighbour, his friend or his enemy?
My child, you are Mine, and those who hear these words are also My children, all Mine, all a manifestation of My divine love.
Try to instil this knowledge into everyone, an understanding of the true meaning of love, and then all their lives will become so much more happy and fulfilling.
Be like the beacon in the sky, radiating love and light. Imagine a thousand such beacons in the sky, just like the twinkling stars in the distant galaxies that you can see on a clear night. You have the same power within to radiate love and light and you should shine forth like a star from the moment of awakening in the morning until the moment comes for sleep at night.
If you really do this, your whole body and mind will be cleansed because it is My love which is vibrating within you and its power is unlimited.
Sing and laugh and enjoy life. Put behind you all worry and fear; all doubts of any kind.
Know that I am God, you are God, there is only God, all one, complete unity, pure love, pure divinity.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Love is the Foundation

Love is the foundation of the whole universe.

God is love and love is the easy route that leads to God. How can anyone doubt this? But if it is so, and it is so, why is it that so many people, devotees and others, fail to bring love into their lives?

The reasons are clear: separation. These people are lost on the path and they have even lost their identity. Who are you? Just think about it for a few moments and tell Me what you think. Do you really believe what you are telling Me? If so, then remember what you have said and from now on lead your life and believe in a way that reflects that knowledge, the certainty that you yourself are God, and that God is love.

Never again an angry word, never again an evil thought, never again an evil act.

Replace all these evils with love, My love, and then all evil will be eradicated and the world will become a happier place. Man has virtually destroyed the world through evil thought, selfishness, greed and jealousy. But all is not lost and all can be saved. A new age dawns and the Divine Avatar is here in your very midst. How lucky you are to be here at the same time as He. Do you realise that? But, once again, what are you doing about it? Words and incantations are not enough. Action is required, action to cleanse the world. Love is the cleansing medicine. So go out into the world and fill the world with love. I will help you, I will guide you but, in the end, it is up to you, whether you listen to My words and take some positive action, or continue with the same bad habits that have led so many of you to the very edge of the precipice of destruction. It is never too late to change.

Think about it and make a new start today.

God is love, love is God, truly, there is only God. Everything else is illusion and transitory. Do not continue chasing shadows.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Love Flows

Love flows when you gather in My name. Love is the galvanising force in the universe, the very life force itself. And yet, true love is what is missing in so many of your lives.

Why is this? It is simply because you have become lost on the path, drawn away by material pursuits and interests.

The reawakening of man is at hand, reawakening to the certain knowledge that man himself is God. The human body is not you, it simply houses the soul, or the spark of divinity within, for God dwells in the heart of every man and this indwelling spark of the divine is you yourself. All else is illusion! Contemplate that thought and, when the truth unfolds, you will find your true identity; then your whole life pattern will change and you will see everyone in the same light.

At the same time you must find the way to crucify the ego and overcome desire, the two main hindrances to spiritual growth.

My children, all of you are Mine and My love for each one of you is unlimited. When you open your hearts to that love, My divine love will flow and you yourself will rise to the higher levels of consciousness until, one day, you reach the Christ level of consciousness, when you and God really become one.

No one is here today by accident. All of you are on the same path. Each one has the same opportunity to take a great step forward along the spiritual path towards liberation and the final merging with God, the source of your very being.

But you must learn to give up attachment, to forget about self, to conquer the ego, to lose all sense of desire, and then you will have prepared yourself for the future. As you progress, so will the heart open more and more, and love will flow as a perpetual stream from an unlimited source. Your life will then be devoted to helping fellowman, humanity, and only in this way will you find fulfilment and eventual liberation.

Follow the teachings of the Lord and you will find that fulfilment, also peace and tranquility, and liberation from the material bonds that bind you so firmly to the physical body and the affairs of the earth.

Let My love flow through you so that each one of you becomes a beacon of love and light.