Love leads to unity and a realisation of the truth that all are one. Love is the motivating force in the universe, for love is God.
Approach everyone and everything with love and then the frustrations of the past will evaporate. See love manifesting all around you, in the flowers, the trees, every part of nature, all part of God.
It is when love is blocked that you separate yourself from the Lord, and then you live on another (material) plane, where even pleasure and happiness are forms of illusion, for such pleasures can never last.
When you fill your life with love, you become permanently attuned to the Lord, and then you experience that divine love which brings with it the peace that passeth all understanding.
Always look on the bright side of everything. Never dwell on the problems or the difficulties that come into your life, since they are simply transient, just like the problems and difficulties of the past. They are little experiences which you need to propel you along the spiritual path and you have brought them into your life for your own good.
My child, unity is divinity.
Look for and see that unity in everyone and everything.
Unity and love are interchangeable. Where there is love, there will be unity; where there is unity, love will flow.
It is My love that flows everywhere in the universe and it is man on earth who disrupts the flow, diverts it, allowing My love to pass him by, leaving him untouched.
As you look around, you can see those who have been touched, for they absorb My love and, at the same time, reflect it, so that My love flows even more freely all around them. But there are too many who are so preoccupied with themselves and their own importance that they miss the unique opportunity which I give them, the opportunity to experience their own divinity.
Remember those words ... "I am you, you are Me, all One, all God" ... this is what I told you (at the interview) because it is the hallmark of unity. When man realises that he is divine and that all around him is also divine, how can he consider himself so much more important than his neighbour, his friend or his enemy?
My child, you are Mine, and those who hear these words are also My children, all Mine, all a manifestation of My divine love.
Try to instil this knowledge into everyone, an understanding of the true meaning of love, and then all their lives will become so much more happy and fulfilling.
Be like the beacon in the sky, radiating love and light. Imagine a thousand such beacons in the sky, just like the twinkling stars in the distant galaxies that you can see on a clear night. You have the same power within to radiate love and light and you should shine forth like a star from the moment of awakening in the morning until the moment comes for sleep at night.
If you really do this, your whole body and mind will be cleansed because it is My love which is vibrating within you and its power is unlimited.
Sing and laugh and enjoy life. Put behind you all worry and fear; all doubts of any kind.
Know that I am God, you are God, there is only God, all one, complete unity, pure love, pure divinity.