Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vol.1 Part 1 - Love: Where is the Love?

On this lovely morning, all is quiet, all is peaceful, but where is the love?

Love is in the heart, sometimes locked away, like precious jewellery in the home, but what is the use of having something locked away? Jewellery has no lasting value because when your earth life is over, you cannot take it with you and it is lost to you forever.

What about love? Love is there always, like the flower in the bud, hidden from sight but, at the right moment, the flower emerges from the bud and brightens all around.

Love is the same, except that you can unlock the love within your heart at will and allow it to change your whole life. Life without love is empty. Life with love is heaven.

Open your hearts today and let the love, My love, emerge from the resting place and brighten the world around you. Love is effervescent, full of energy, the very God force itself. That is love in its purest form, the real jewel that can be left on permanent display and never again locked away. But you have to release it, for you alone have the key to your own heart.

This is God's gift to man, His own love that He has poured out in such abundance that it fills the whole universe. How can any of you turn away from that love and continue on the blind narrow path that so many of you follow? You are like cars trying to travel at night, in the darkness, without any light to guide you. How can you make any progress when you can hardly see the road?

Open the heart, switch on the lights and illuminate the path ahead, as well as the whole world around you. Then you will find the way to the kingdom of heaven which is there now, even in this passing moment.

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