I am with you always, even though you do not see Me. Where am I? In the very heart of each one of you. So you can feel me, experience me, feel My love and compassion even though you may not see Me.
Why do you not love one another? How is it possible that there are these jealousies, even in the Sai movement? They are there because man is full of ego, and he will not learn to control his sensual feelings and his desires for, and love of, material things and material satisfaction. How misguided is such a man. What is his real reward? Just for a short while he imagines he has achieved something and he experiences some form of pleasure and satisfaction. But these feelings are temporary and cannot last. However, he who worships the Lord, loves the Lord and serves his fellowman, he will find a lasting reward, that is, an inner peace that leads him to nirvana.
So drop these stupid habits and attachments. Wake up and see how hollow is the life some of you are leading. For life without love and life without God is totally empty and unfulfilling.
Make the decision today to do something about it. It is never too late to start unless you never start. Have you started? If not, start today, in the presence of the Lord.
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