Swami's life is one constant outpouring of LOVE, the love is the life force itself and I am the source of that love.
Love is infectious once it is allowed to flow. That is the secret of happiness, to open your hearts and let the love flow. Let it flow everywhere, to every corner of your own being, all around you, to friends and enemies alike, to the animals, to the plants and trees, then further afield, to other areas and other countries so that love fills the earth plane as indeed it fills the whole universe.
What prevents the flow of love? The answer is, all the negative aspects, starting with the ego itself which is man's biggest problem. No real progress can be made on the spiritual path while man allows his ego to remain in the ascendant. Ego, attachment, desire, anger, frustration, greed, all these are the enemy and must be overcome. Meditation on truth is the way, for in moments of divine peace, you can find your true self and become attuned to the Godhead (or the Atma). But desire and attachment hold man back, and he becomes obsessed with material matters, failing to realise that all these are a form of illusion, here today, gone tomorrow. Man places false values on so many worldly things, possessions and wealth being the main ones. Man too becomes obsessed with worldly power and position. But what are these in the eyes of God? They are transitory and will lead you nowhere.
Man must break away from all this and look for salvation elsewhere. Eventually, he turns to God and starts that long spiritual journey which ultimately leads him to salvation and liberation.
To live My message means to live in love, to see God in everyone and everything, to treat everyone as though they are God. Could anything be simpler? See the transforming effect which it has, even on flowers and plants. Be like a beacon in the sky, radiating love and light. That is my message for all of you. I am the source of that love and light, ever doubt that, or the power of the divine Avatar.
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