Uncertainty is familiar to all of you. You know the past, you think you know the present, but the future is known only to God. Why is this?
If you knew everything, you would stagnate and there would be no incentive to act. But it is only through activity, soul activity, that you can find your way back to God. Uncertainty is therefore a necessity of life and it should make you look inside, look outside, and look all around you so that you can assess the situation. You then become curious and wonder what is going to happen, perhaps this or that ...?
But the plan of God is certain, it is known, it is timeless, everyone is involved and you are all part of that plan. God's plan is the plan of the universe and encompasses everything within, from the most distant galaxies to the smallest living matter on earth.
You should think about this and consider how you relate to the whole. Your future is known to God and He knows that all will eventually find the true path. But due to the timeless nature of God's creation, and the free will which God has given to man, you retain the freedom to decide when to take positive action to move along the path. You can delay for one life and the next and lives beyond that, and many of you will do this. But once you are awakened to the truth, you should take that action now, action which you know must be taken sooner or later. Why delay? You delay because you are so immersed in material pursuits that you do not want to change. You feel the present way of life offers security, convenience and some happiness, but is that really so? If so, you are leading a life of illusion.
What should you do? What would you do if you really believed the truth? Would you not do something? Would you not make some changes in your life style and the way you behave, especially towards other people?
Once you become aware of the omnipresence of God, how can you ignore Him and leave Him out of your life to the extent that you now do? Most of you are oblivious to the fact that you and God are one and that you yourself are part of the whole, which itself is God. So bring God into your daily lives, talk to Him and have a continuous dialogue with Him during the day, and let it be His will in all that you do. Surrender to that will and know that He will take care of you. Then and then only will peace come into your life, and all the worries of the past and the present will be seen to be what they really are, a manifestation of separation from God and a failure to surrender to His will. It is your will that has been in the ascendant during the past and your will has not produced the peace of mind which you would like to enjoy. Peace of mind can only come after surrender. From that point on it is impossible to experience fear, anxiety, insecurity, worry or the lack of anything, for God will provide for all your needs.
That is the state of bliss, the point at which you approach the threshold, of the total merging of the soul with the Lord Himself.
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