Love flows when you gather in My name. Love is the galvanising force in the universe, the very life force itself. And yet, true love is what is missing in so many of your lives.
Why is this? It is simply because you have become lost on the path, drawn away by material pursuits and interests.
The reawakening of man is at hand, reawakening to the certain knowledge that man himself is God. The human body is not you, it simply houses the soul, or the spark of divinity within, for God dwells in the heart of every man and this indwelling spark of the divine is you yourself. All else is illusion! Contemplate that thought and, when the truth unfolds, you will find your true identity; then your whole life pattern will change and you will see everyone in the same light.
At the same time you must find the way to crucify the ego and overcome desire, the two main hindrances to spiritual growth.
My children, all of you are Mine and My love for each one of you is unlimited. When you open your hearts to that love, My divine love will flow and you yourself will rise to the higher levels of consciousness until, one day, you reach the Christ level of consciousness, when you and God really become one.
No one is here today by accident. All of you are on the same path. Each one has the same opportunity to take a great step forward along the spiritual path towards liberation and the final merging with God, the source of your very being.
But you must learn to give up attachment, to forget about self, to conquer the ego, to lose all sense of desire, and then you will have prepared yourself for the future. As you progress, so will the heart open more and more, and love will flow as a perpetual stream from an unlimited source. Your life will then be devoted to helping fellowman, humanity, and only in this way will you find fulfilment and eventual liberation.
Follow the teachings of the Lord and you will find that fulfilment, also peace and tranquility, and liberation from the material bonds that bind you so firmly to the physical body and the affairs of the earth.
Let My love flow through you so that each one of you becomes a beacon of love and light.
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