Love is the foundation of the whole universe.
God is love and love is the easy route that leads to God. How can anyone doubt this? But if it is so, and it is so, why is it that so many people, devotees and others, fail to bring love into their lives?
The reasons are clear: separation. These people are lost on the path and they have even lost their identity. Who are you? Just think about it for a few moments and tell Me what you think. Do you really believe what you are telling Me? If so, then remember what you have said and from now on lead your life and believe in a way that reflects that knowledge, the certainty that you yourself are God, and that God is love.
Never again an angry word, never again an evil thought, never again an evil act.
Replace all these evils with love, My love, and then all evil will be eradicated and the world will become a happier place. Man has virtually destroyed the world through evil thought, selfishness, greed and jealousy. But all is not lost and all can be saved. A new age dawns and the Divine Avatar is here in your very midst. How lucky you are to be here at the same time as He. Do you realise that? But, once again, what are you doing about it? Words and incantations are not enough. Action is required, action to cleanse the world. Love is the cleansing medicine. So go out into the world and fill the world with love. I will help you, I will guide you but, in the end, it is up to you, whether you listen to My words and take some positive action, or continue with the same bad habits that have led so many of you to the very edge of the precipice of destruction. It is never too late to change.
Think about it and make a new start today.
God is love, love is God, truly, there is only God. Everything else is illusion and transitory. Do not continue chasing shadows.
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