Monday, May 24, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Night of Shiva's Moon

What is Shivaratri? It is the opening up of fresh thoughts in preparation for the year ahead. These occasions should be ones of deep meditation, an opportunity to look deep inside yourselves, to look at the real position within, the state of your soul and its progress on the spiritual path. It is a time of decision, a time and opportunity for a new move forward onto a better path. That is what I ask each one of you to do every day!

You sit, you listen, you read My teachings. What is the good, unless you put these teachings into practise?

I watch every movement, every thought, every action of yours. You should do the same and constantly ask yourselves if these thoughts and actions are based on the teachings of the Lord. They are not! But today is yet another day of opportunity, a chance to make that new start on the only path that can lead to true divinity and eventual liberation from the chains that bind you to constant rebirth in the physical body. Those chains are desire, unfulfilled desire, desire for all that is transient, unnecessary and unfulfilling.

Man must overcome desire and turn to love because, if you fill your heart with the love of God, your desire for material things and sensual pleasures will slowly fall away.

I am always with you, always there to help and guide, but only you can take the decision to change your own way of life and break those habits that lead you astray.

Life spiritual is God. Life material is illusion.

Make the choice today to see the light and live your life from now on in perfect harmony with the Lord.

Liberation may take time to achieve, but peace will come to your minds as soon as you put your feet, and your heart, on the true spiritual path.

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