Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Creation

In the beginning there was nothing, just an endless void, but I was always there, the origin, the true beginning.

But, really, there was no beginning, as I always was, always have been and always will be. That is the true mystery of God, impossible for man to understand.

I am love, all love, total love, and love itself is God. It was the continual outpouring of this love that brought about the creation of the world, a playground where I could express My love and watch it spread like a fire which begins in the tinder wood. Nothing can stop it.

The creation of man is the re-creation of Myself in My own image. You are that creation and you are all My children. That is why every detail about each one of you is known to Me, even every thought.

It is My leela, My creation, My joy, My love, and an expression of My omnipresence. But behind all this is a plan, My plan, and that too is something which man cannot understand. This is the mystery of God and it will always remain.

That, My child, is the truth and you should think about it and see how you relate to it. Man should contemplate the mystery of God even if he cannot understand it, and he should adjust his life according to his own interpretation of the meaning and purpose of life itself.
It is part of God's plan to let His children work out their own destiny and salvation, culminating in eventual liberation and reunion with God Himself. This is the inevitable result of life. The passage represents an experience of illusion, or apparent separation from God, whereas, in truth, all is God and always has been, for there is nothing in the universe which is not God or the creation of God.
Love is the message for everyone. Love is the most potent force in the universe, for love is truly the manifestation of God Himself.
Let this love flow all around you, inside and outside, and then you will prepare the way for liberation and at the same time help many other souls on the same path.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Levels of Consciousness

What is upliftment? It is the rising up of the soul to a higher level of consciousness. Who is it who controls this level? You do, for you have the free will to rise above the grosser levels and to manifest yourself at even the highest levels of consciousness. But few people make any serious effort to break away from the grosser material levels and the habits they have developed over so many years. It needs a sudden wrench, something traumatic to galvanise man into action. But it is never too late, and every day that man continues on the old path is a wasted day.
What an you do? Stop now and contemplate the past, the present and the future. Has the past been satisfactory? What about the present? And what will the future be like if you continue without change? It will just be a repetition of the same old pattern, a slow road to nowhere, and with no sense of fulfilment.
So if you want upliftment, spend more time in communion with the Lord, for it is in that state that you can prepare yourself for the future and then move onto new ground and reach the higher levels of consciousness. This is the only way to find true peace and happiness and achieve a feeling of fulfilment which will satisfy the soul.
It is a gradual process and it will only begin when you make the first move. The time for that move is now.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Unity (ll)

All are one and you should always remember this.

But it is also important to spread My message to the West and it is right to make a special effort to do this, now that more people are becoming aware of My presence and the message that I bring.

Never rush into anything. Even the truth unfolds slowly. Just continue to show people to your group, as they emerge and encourage others to start small groups, in the same way that you have done. A pattern will emerge and more and more people will appear. It is like the opening of a lotus. When conditions are right it opens and it carries a special symbolic meaning, the opening out and spreading of the word of God in all directions in an atmosphere of divine bliss.

I am always at the centre of the lotus, the source of the love, wisdom and beauty which pours out and attracts those souls who are sufficiently awakened. You are channels in that process.

Do not ignore anyone for all are Mine. Just do your best for everyone and never worry about the outcome.

Many are not ready but have simply joined the Sai movement, not really knowing what it is that they want. They're still lost in the wilderness, but at least it is a beginning and you have to help and encourage them.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Unity in Action

Concentrate on the omnipresence of the Lord, UNITY, and the fact that all are one. Only then can you get all other thoughts into perspective. This is the background to both education and service, for omnipresence is the whole basis of life in all its aspects.
When you experience omnipresence, you should live for Sai and realise that there is nothing else.
Turn to Sai, think Sai, live Sai, love Sai, do everything for Sai, then peace will come and love will flow. This is the solution to all your problems.
What is the Sai organisation doing? Sadly, not enough, but a beginning has been made and all of you should now make the effort to work together and expand the activities. Success will come if you work hard enough and if you continually turn your thoughts to God, concentrating on helping others and forgetting about self. That is true surrender.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Creator, Creature and Creation

I created the universe and I created your world, as you know it.

I created man in my own image, a manifestation of God in human form. It was My leela, but with a purpose, an expression of My love which is so limitless that it must express and manifest itself at all times. It is an ever expanding force, My love, a force more powerful than anything else that exists, for love itself is God, or a manifestation of God. God is formless but He has form. You cannot understand this, nor can anyone else, nor can you understand Me. One moment I am human with form, behaving like a man or a woman, and simultaneously I am manifest as God everywhere in the universe, for, truly, there is only God and different manifestations and forms of God.

I created man with free will and there was a purpose. I always knew what would happen. It is all part of a perfect plan, impossible for man to understand in all its detail and beauty. But man was overcome by greed and desire, and has reached the very threshold of destroying the world. It is at this point that I incarnate in human form, not to save the world, for I could do that with a wave of My hand, but to show man the way to save his own world. This again is God's leela, that man shall have free will and hence only man shall be allowed to save his world. I will show the way and will send many people to help in the task. You and many others are among them.

But it will not be easy and will take time.

I Myself am in the middle of a triple incarnation and, even now, only the seeds are sown. But divine seeds bear divine fruit and My plan is perfect, so do not doubt or fear.

Man is indeed imperfect, the product of his own creation and undoing. But all that will eventually change and, when that happens, man will once again live in peace and harmony. Love and peace will return to the earth and cleanse the horrors and excesses of the dark ages which today pollute the very atmosphere.

What can you do to help? Be like a beacon in the sky, radiating love and light, that is what you and everyone else can do for the Lord. Only through love can the world be saved.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Time (II)

Time is a manifestation of life, but time is also timeless. You measure time by the clock and relate it to day and night on your planet, which itself turns continuously on its own axis. Elsewhere in the universe there is constant movement, but time, as you understand it, does not exist.

There is confuson in the mind of man because time on your planet has become so important and you cannot conceive the timeless state. But it is there, always has been and always will be.

Time is now, and NOW is the time for action. Swami speaks like this in the hope that man can be awakened in this lifetime. You can remember Swami saying (at interview when He pointed to my wristwatch), "Watch has no value but time has much value, do not waste that time and do what you can NOW."

Time is passing, time is precious, the time of the present moment, as you understand it, can never come back once it has passed. It is like a history book, full of the story of life, year by year. Your life is like that. You can look back, the past is in the past, but you have free will to write your own history book from this point onwards. What will that book look like in five or ten years' time? It depends on you and what decisions you take NOW.

Every moment is NOW, every moment is vital and every moment wasted is lost for ever. Once you are awakened, every moment becomes more and more precious, moments when you can draw closer and closer to the Lord. Even now, in spite of so much understanding, God comes very low in your priorities of life. That is wrong, you should reverse your priorities and put God first and the world and all its activities second. Then you would find peace, for peace can only be found through God, and the path to God is through love and service.
Change comes to everyone, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but change is always taking place even when you are not aware of it. Nothing stands still because the universe is in a constant state of change and you are part of that whole. Stagnation is only an apparent state. It is a transient state of illusion.
NOW is the time for change, change of vibration, change of thought pattern, change of values, change of ideals, change of levels of consciousness. It can be achieved through closer links and better communication with God. I am that God. I am here, open to every thought. So, how can you put aside the chance to be at one with Me in this lifetime? If you really try, you can lift yourself out of the denseness of materialism and rise to the highest levels of consciousness, where you can experience unity with the Lord Himself. It is a process which requires constant practice, daily meditaton and a continuing dialogue with the Lord. NOW is the time to start. Put aside all worldly desires and reach out to the Lord. He is always there, waiting patiently for you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Time (l)

What is today? It is the passage of time.

The earth revolves on its axis and continues its motion which was started millions of years ago. It is a demonstration of perfect unison and inter-related activity which exists throughout the universe, all part of the whole, everything relating to everything else, everything and every motion affecting everything else.

You are part of that whole, that pattern, and your activities and thoughts affect the whole.

How few people realise this truth, for, if they did, how could they behave the way they do, caring only for themselves, their pleasures, comfort and personal security? But the law applies to all and your life and life pattern affect many others, even those who you do not know and perhaps will never see.

Behind all the activity is the omnipresent Lord, the Creator, the Life Force, the unity within the whole, and the force that manifests as each one of you, each animal, each plant, each insect, every stone. They are all Mine and part of the whole.

It is the realisation of this basic truth that should galvanize man into action, action to rectify the past, action to purify the present and fructify the future. This is where My devotees should play a part and spread the message far and wide. It is the duty of the more awakened ones to lead the others forward so that they too may play a more active part in My work and My mission.

At all times all of you should draw your energy and inspiration from the Lord through moments, or periods of, quiet meditation, when you can establish close communication with the Lord. At these moments a divine peace will come over you and divine inspiration will flow.

Time is precious but in your lives, so much time is wasted, even a whole lifetime may be frittered away pursuing material and pleasurable pursuits which are not only selfish but lead you nowhere. You must overcome the desire of the flesh, and desire only God, unity, love and harmony.

The starting point should be service to humanity, for that will turn your mind away from self and the personal desires of the moment. It is the best starting point for most people, although quiet meditation is the path for others, meditation which will awaken the inner soul and lead it forward to positive action. Once you know the truth, how can anyone delay this action any longer?

Sadly, most of you are so immersed in the illusion of material life that the realisation of divinity does not come easily. It is shrouded by layers of thick cloud, the result of the past and the present, because your own mental processes have chosen to obscure the truth so that you can continue to enjoy, as you imagine, material and sensual pleasures of the earth life. But this is not the purpose of the earth life and that is not the reason why you have incarnated at this time.

Your life, this birth, is a challenge and you have the opportunity to accept that challenge and turn away from illusion for ever more. The Kingdom of Heaven is not far away, and that kingdom is within you now. Look inside and taste the bliss of the true divine life. Follow the path that will lead you to the permanent divine state and liberation.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Inner Teacher

Truth emerges and flows from the heart, the soul, the God within, the inner consciousness, the source, all of which are God, and represent all truth, all love, a total oneness.
That is the only truth and it is inseparable because it is one and the whole. All else is illusion or a form of illusion.
Why do you meditate? To reach inside and release the God within so that you and God become one. Then perfect peace flows and all worldly problems and desires cease to exist.
As the years go by, all of you should draw closer to God by identifying yourselves with Him and realising the truth, living the truth, putting aside illusion, desire and ignorance.
Live in God, live with God, be God, know that all is God and that there is only God. That is the whole truth and that is also the challenge.
Meditate on those thoughts and then contemplate who is this little me who seems so lost, lost because so many of you have lost your very identity, and yet all you need to do is to stop and contemplate the truth.
When you find the truth, know the truth, live the truth, then you and God are really one. At this point the little me can be put to rest for ever more; yes, that little me with all its worries, its ego, desires, greed, envy, jealousy and every negative attitude. Do you really want to continue living on that level?
Think about it and remember the truth ... I AM.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes - Surrender (II)

When the wind blows, it is a sign that changes are on the way. Nothing lasts for ever, even the universe is in a constant state of change and man himself plays a part in those changes.
Now is a time of much activity and movement and it is important to be involved and to play a part. Each one should examine his position in the world and consider whether he is playing out the right part. There are so many opportunities.
Man should have a regular dialogue with God and move forward with the God force which is always moving.
Change, movement ... do not resist those changes, do not be disturbed when the past is no more and old habits no longer seem appropriate for the present and the future. Man gets into such a routine, usually of a type that will never get him anywhere.
In some cases, it is as though the "handbrake" is clutched so firmly all the time in an effort to hang on to the past at all cost, really only due to a fear of insecurity and worry about the future. But what is there to fear when you place yourself totally in the hands of the Lord?
Surrender is the only solution that brings peace. Dissociate yourself from the past, that was a life without God, and let go of all feeling of resistance. Be convinced that the Lord will look after you in everything that you do. Laugh when the outcome is different to the one you expected, and be happy at all times. See the little problems for what they are: passing trivialities.
Even about ..........., what does it matter? Leave it to the Lord.
My child, be patient, just wait and see and accept whatever comes. These little aggravations should not worry or disturb you so much.
Give Me your love and see how My love will pour out and fill you with ecstasy. That is fulfilment, the Lord's love.
You will never find fulfilment in business affairs or anything else.
Look for inner peace and it will come. It is not so far away.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Spiritual Effort (II)

My children, My children, if only you knew how much I love you all. You should love Me as I love you and then so many of your problems would disappear. Yes, love Me, love everyone, and experience the wonderful cleansing of your soul as love, which is the life force itself, flows through you.

Life without love is life without God and is akin to living in a world without light. And until you experience true love, you have not experienced anything. Life without love is simply illusion, a life without any form of lasting fulfillness or happiness.

Change does not come overnight, but change can be set in motion at this very moment. And once the change is set in motion, the momentum will increase as each day passes. But old habits die hard and great determination is required to bring about the change. I am always there to help you if you turn to Me. Take just one step towards Me and I will take a hundred towards you, but you must make the first move. Is that not a solution to many of your problems? However, man has free will and nothing will happen unless he exercises that free will.

Awaken, My children, and see the light that shines so strongly once you open your eyes. Leave behind that life of illusion and know that such a life can never lead you anywhere except into a state of deeper and deeper despair. Start afresh today and determine to live your life in harmony with God, so that you can claim your real inheritance as a child of the living God, a manifestation of God Himself.

Rise up to the higher levels of consciousness, and know that if you truly follow the teachings of the Lord, then peace will come into your life and you will experience the bliss of unity which is divinity itself, the ultimate state being the total merging, or union, with God where you and God are one.

My children, I wait for you patiently while My love flows constantly all over the world.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: The Sai Organisation

Harmony and the Sai organisation ... What is all that?
Harmony arises when kindred souls blossom together like flowers blossoming in the garden. There is a sense of unity as they all grow together.
What is the Sai organisation? It is simply a gathering together of souls who have started to become awakened to truth.
The Sai organisation should be motivated by love.
You join the organisation both to give, to receive, to progress, to learn, to become inspired and to serve.
The organisation itself is not important, it exists only for what it gives: an opportunity for searching souls to gather together and find the way to progress along the spiritual path and to help others on the same journey.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Contemplating the Truth

When you gather together in My name, there is a gathering of kindred souls, people who have chosen to tread the spiritual path and seek the ultimate truth which is God the Absolute.
It should be a time of quiet meditation, when you contemplate the truth, for it is in these moments, when many are gathered together, that the God force flows and makes it easier for you to be aware of It and all It stands for. In these moments, all worldly cares are put aside and thoughts are on the spiritual plane. Meditate on this and know that I am with you.
Try to have a short period of quiet meditation during the meeting, perhaps just a few minutes, when you can all sit in complete silence and experience the God force welling up from the heart of each one of you. The experience will be refreshing and invigorating.
I will be there, I am always there. Sometimes you are aware of My presence, sometimes not, it depends on your own state and the level at which you are manifesting yourself at that time.
When love flows, it is My love and that is the easiest way to find Me. I send My love to each one of you.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Inner Control

It is good that you talk to My children for their needs are great.

There can be no peace or tranquility in the minds of those whose lives are ruled by desire. In such a state how can anyone expect to find happiness, let alone peace of mind, for in that state the mind is simply a web of desires.

Self-examination is the only way to overcome this problem. Take a deep look into the soul to find that soul and see what it is that is causing the disturbance. Analyse each thought that comes and each individual desire. What is it that you really want in this life? How is it that you can want anything once you reach the level of the pure soul which is the real you, the God within?

To look within is the only solution to so many of your problems. Most of you spend your time looking outwards and blaming others, or even God Himself for all your woes!

The true path is neither easy nor difficult, it is simply the only path that will lead you to peace and tranquility and eventual reunion with God. Every one of you here today should take a decision to examine yourself thoroughly and then make a vow to move away from every form of earthly desire and start a new life along the spiritual path. The Ceiling on Desires programme will help you to make that start.

I will always be waiting for you at the end of the path and I will be watching every step that you take. I am with you, each one of you, every moment of the day, for I reside in your heart. I will always be there to help anyone who turns to Me in true humility and with a pure heart.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Omnipresence

I am the Lord of the universe. Have implicit faith in Me for I am you and you are Me. I am with you now, with you always, inside you, outside you, everywhere. I am your sunshine and your shadow. So blend with Me, harmonise with Me, the divine giver of life, the divine supporter of life, the only source of life, the very omnipresence that you often talk about. That is what it is. You can deny Me, you can despise Me, you can ignore Me, but I will always be with you for I am within your very heart. I am part of you, I am you and you are part of Me. Those are words of truth and wisdom.
Many know it intellectually but very few behave as though they believe it. But habits continue, there are jealousies, weaknesses or character, in fact, all these weaknesses that you must learn to overcome.
Today you are gathered here (for the satsang) in complete harmony. Maintain that harmony when you leave and work together for harmony in the whole world. Look for Me everywhere. Feel My presence now, in this very room. Just pause and know that I am here.
I will help you, all of you, for each one of you is helping My mission in one way or another. Do not look back even though many mistakes have been made. Live now, live every moment of every day, live in the present and surrender to the will of God.
Ask yourself, who is this little me that has so many wants and desires of one kind or another? Where is it at all leading me?
I bless you all, I am with you now and will always be with you. Never doubt that or have any fear.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Surrender (1)

Everyday there is a message, a message to uplift the heart, to raise all of you to the higher levels of consciousness. This is the spiritual path, upwards to the higher levels until you reach the divine level where you and God are one. It may seem very remote, even though that divine level of consciousness is within you now. It is only a question of the level at which you choose to express your life.
When you surrender totally to the Lord and forget about self, then you are preparing the way. While you concern yourself so much with the detail of the earth life, you obscure the path that leads upwards and remain rooted in a horizontal plane, or path, that goes nowhere, except that it gives you opportunity to experience different kinds of wilderness. Awaken and open your hearts to the certain knowledge that what I tell you is truth.
When you surrender you give up attachment. You may continue the earth life, going to the office, and that sort of routine, but you should become immune to events that take place within that confine and be unaffected by them. Do not concern yourself with the outcome of what is going on, leave others who care more about those things to concern themselves. You should become the witness, like the Lord who is always happy. The success or failure of any effort does not enter into the spiritual attitude because the whole of the earth life is a game.
Long periods of meditation are good, a chance to reach up to the higher levels and experience an intimate feeling of union with God during those quiet moments when all worldly thoughts fall away. Leave the earth life to others and just do your best in whatever situation you find yourself. Do not concern yourself with the results.
You worry all the time, worry about everything, but none of these things should concern you. Just do what you have to do at the time and put all worrying thoughts out of your mind. At present your mind is full of worries, about this and that Forget it all and only concern yourself with the present. Leave all the rest to the Lord.
Life will change, soon, but you have to prepare yourself so that you are ready to take full advantage of the opportunities which will come. There is nothing to fear. What comes is the result of the past and will bring a clarification of much which you do not now understand. You will experience the truth, that all is God and that there is only God. It will be a revelation which will touch you deeply.
Awaken, My child, forget the past, all that is behind you. The new golden age dawns and you will experience that richness of life which is only possible when you reach the higher levels of consciousness.
Surrender today and open the door to the inflowing of the God force so that it reaches the innermost part of your being It is there within, it is there without, and when you surrender you allow the two to join in perfect unison. From that moment onwards you live in perfect harmony with God Nothing can then touch you.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Inner Voice

I come out of nowhere to speak to you, because I am everywhere, always with you. So I am already communicating with those who are open and ready to receive My messages. My teachings are clear and have been repeated so many times in a language that all can understand.
Most of you here today (at the meeting) have been to see Me in India. Many will come again. Some of you I will call especially because you can play an important part in spreading My message, and thus help others to see the light that shines throughout the universe. You yourselves are part of that light but few of you know it.
Do you remember My words, "BE LIKE A BEACON IN THE SKY, RADIATING LOVE AND LIGHT, THAT IS WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR SWAMI." Love and light are everywhere, but many people still choose to live in darkness, and they keep the shutters securely closed while they concentrate on enjoying, as they imagine, the material and sensual pleasures of life on earth. But how can any of you here today ever close those shutters again, once you have been and experienced the crystal clear light shining through even the smallest crack? You must always move towards the light, for I am that light and the ultimate goal is to merge with Me in a pool of light and experience pure bliss. That is nirvana and it is a state of bliss which is beyond the comprehension of the human mind.
You have to live on earth for a while, and you see Me, too, living also on earth these days. I appear to live just like a man but I am only here and in this human form for your benefit. So do not lose the opportunity to learn from Me while I am here. You are lucky, indeed, that you have incarnated at this time and it is not by accident that this has happened. So, if you have found Me, do not throw away the chance which you now have to move far along the path.
Now, about communication, all can communicate with Me and all should try. Special gifts come to those who have earned them, but all of you have some gift. Silence is the beginning in the art of communication. Learn to live in silence for some moments every day. Just sit in complete silence and listen for the voice of God. You may not physically hear a voice because God can speak to you through the silence and you will become aware of God's message, even though you hear no voice. Is this not the way in which you yourself receive the messages? So, let your mind rest on Me in those moments of silence and then the thoughts will come into your mind. But, be patient and do not necessarily expect immediate results. Success will come provided you persevere.
Know always that I am with you, even when you hear nothing. For I am you and you are Me, so how is it possible that we cannot communicate? Just think about these things and do not give up easily or allow anyone or anything to divert you from the path that will lead you to nirvana.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Sai Mission

Why does the Lord incarnate in this time? It is to save the world from destruction by man himself.
Man has sunk to the lowest levels in his craving for power and material pursuits and he has become obsessed with himself. He has forgotten his true spiritual nature and his own true identity. So the Lord incarnates at such a time to lead man back along the forgotten path and to guide him onto it, the spiritual path. It is not easy and it takes time but that is the Sai mission.
How is it achieved? By education and re-education, hence the very big educational projects in India with special schools, colleges, and now the University. These are the seeds which the Lord is sowing and they will produce results all over the world. The beginning may seem slow, but later, the pace will quicken and nothing will be able to stand in the way or obstruct the will of the Lord.
You are all involved in this mission and you have a great opportunity and responsibility. Do not let that chance slip by you, for it may never come again. Listen to My words and try to respond in a way which will bring happiness into your own life and into the lives of many others.
Activity is ACTION, Sai action, and that means selfless service to humanity. You must work, you must serve, you must forget self. Be happy to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others.
Love is the motivating force, divine love, for that is the seed which I have planted in each one of you. Let the seed grow, let the love flow, let the love, My love, heal the hearts of men and save the world from death and destruction. It is only through love and understanding that the world can be saved and you, all of you, are My instruments.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Spiritual Effort (1)

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and everything that happens is known to Me for I have willed the very creation of the universe.

The matters which concern man and occupy his mind are normally so trivial and he wastes much of his life worrying about them. In fact, they are unimportant and of no lasting consequence.

Start at the beginning ...Who are you? When you know the answer to that question, that you yourself are God, then surely you will change your life style and the way you behave.

God is LOVE, and yet true love is absent in so many of your lives. How can there be all these stupid petty jealousies, even within the Sai organisation? What have you learned by becoming devotees? How many of you are progressing spiritually? Do you realise I am here always, watching every movement, every thought of each one of you?

Is that not a challenge? It should be! You all have this supreme opportunity which I have given you, and yet many will fritter away the chance to find salvation and eventual liberation.

Effort is required, effort motivated by love. Where is the love? Bring love into your lives and learn the secret that inner peace can only be found if and when you manifest yourself at the higher levels.

How do you start? Start with love. Fill the day with love. Let the love fill your whole being so that you radiate love like a giant beacon in the sky. Stop and think. Contemplate yourself and your life pattern. That is a good starting point.

Stop and think who you are, what you are doing in this life. Is it all good, does it please and satisfy you? Or, more important, does it please God, the real you that is part of God?

Examine yourselves and make a real effort to start again, this time on the right lines, Sai lines, and live a life so full of love that all negative thoughts are eliminated from your mind for ever more.

I give My love and blessings to all of you.

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Man's Identity

Within man is all knowledge, past, present and future, but it is at levels of consciousness which are lost to man unless he is manifesting at the highest levels. At the highest level, man and God are one. All are God in truth, but the God aspect only manifests itself to the extent that man rises up to those levels. All levels are there, always have been, for God created man in His own image.
You cannot and never will understand the origin of man for God alone knows and understands how man was created. Therefore, just live with the certain knowledge that all are God, all are one, all part of the whole. Only when you understand this, that there is only God, can you begin to understand the truth about life.
But it is so, always has been and always will be. The fact that it does not appear to be so is simply illusion, illusion created by man himself. It is the choice of man to tread that path for man has been given free will.
Life is a game but its end is inevitable. God could bring the game to an end at any moment, just like picking up a pack of cards when the game goes wrong, putting all the cards back in the pack where they came from and starting again, another game.
Do not be worried by the mystery of life. Far more important is to live the life while you have it and spread the knowledge to those who an benefit from it.
I will always be with you and I continue to shower My love upon all of you, all My children.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Theme: God and Religion

Every religion looks for God and they look far and wide, but man should know that God is omnipresent and resides in the very heart of man.
Truly, there is only one religion, the religion of love, but on earth there are many religions, all of which lead along the same path to the ultimate, omnipresent God.
Call God by any name for all names belong to God. Pray to God in any form and your prayers will reach the omnipresent God, provided only that the prayer comes from the heart.
God is the eternal witness and you are the children of that living God. He is here, He is there, He is everywhere, for God is omnipresent, always has been and always will be.
The path of the soul is long and arduous, for man has lost his way and forgotten his real identity and his relationship with God. But man himself is divine, a spark of the omnipresent God and it is through the kindling of that spark that man can become re-awakened to the truth and his own divinity within, the true nature of his being.
Man is part of the whole and that whole is God. In truth, all is God, simply different manifestations.
Now is the time of great awakening and an opportunity for man to know himself and to re-establish his true relationship with God.
Every religion teaches you to love one another and you should remember that love is the greatest force in the universe. God is love in its highest form and man should strive to let that love manifest itself in his own life at all times. Love ye one another and recognise the God dwelling in the heart of every living being. When man recognises the omnipresent God in everyone, friend and foe, only then will peace return to earth. The time of awakening is now and all thoughts of differences must be put behind you.
They say that all roads lead to Rome, but it is better to say that all roads lead to God. Every religion is a different pathway to the same destination.
All religions are really one and love is the motivating force behind all of them. Love is God, and God is love. Learn to love one another, then you will find an inner peace which will spread to others and help to bring peace and happiness to this troubled world.
Know at all times that God is there, watching over you and aware of every thought that passes through your mind. Meditate on that thought and try to improve your life by living in perfect harmony with God, the God that dwells in your own heart as the silent witness.