I am the Lord of the universe. Have implicit faith in Me for I am you and you are Me. I am with you now, with you always, inside you, outside you, everywhere. I am your sunshine and your shadow. So blend with Me, harmonise with Me, the divine giver of life, the divine supporter of life, the only source of life, the very omnipresence that you often talk about. That is what it is. You can deny Me, you can despise Me, you can ignore Me, but I will always be with you for I am within your very heart. I am part of you, I am you and you are part of Me. Those are words of truth and wisdom.
Many know it intellectually but very few behave as though they believe it. But habits continue, there are jealousies, weaknesses or character, in fact, all these weaknesses that you must learn to overcome.
Today you are gathered here (for the satsang) in complete harmony. Maintain that harmony when you leave and work together for harmony in the whole world. Look for Me everywhere. Feel My presence now, in this very room. Just pause and know that I am here.
I will help you, all of you, for each one of you is helping My mission in one way or another. Do not look back even though many mistakes have been made. Live now, live every moment of every day, live in the present and surrender to the will of God.
Ask yourself, who is this little me that has so many wants and desires of one kind or another? Where is it at all leading me?
I bless you all, I am with you now and will always be with you. Never doubt that or have any fear.
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