What is today? It is the passage of time.
The earth revolves on its axis and continues its motion which was started millions of years ago. It is a demonstration of perfect unison and inter-related activity which exists throughout the universe, all part of the whole, everything relating to everything else, everything and every motion affecting everything else.
You are part of that whole, that pattern, and your activities and thoughts affect the whole.
How few people realise this truth, for, if they did, how could they behave the way they do, caring only for themselves, their pleasures, comfort and personal security? But the law applies to all and your life and life pattern affect many others, even those who you do not know and perhaps will never see.
Behind all the activity is the omnipresent Lord, the Creator, the Life Force, the unity within the whole, and the force that manifests as each one of you, each animal, each plant, each insect, every stone. They are all Mine and part of the whole.
It is the realisation of this basic truth that should galvanize man into action, action to rectify the past, action to purify the present and fructify the future. This is where My devotees should play a part and spread the message far and wide. It is the duty of the more awakened ones to lead the others forward so that they too may play a more active part in My work and My mission.
At all times all of you should draw your energy and inspiration from the Lord through moments, or periods of, quiet meditation, when you can establish close communication with the Lord. At these moments a divine peace will come over you and divine inspiration will flow.
Time is precious but in your lives, so much time is wasted, even a whole lifetime may be frittered away pursuing material and pleasurable pursuits which are not only selfish but lead you nowhere. You must overcome the desire of the flesh, and desire only God, unity, love and harmony.
The starting point should be service to humanity, for that will turn your mind away from self and the personal desires of the moment. It is the best starting point for most people, although quiet meditation is the path for others, meditation which will awaken the inner soul and lead it forward to positive action. Once you know the truth, how can anyone delay this action any longer?
Sadly, most of you are so immersed in the illusion of material life that the realisation of divinity does not come easily. It is shrouded by layers of thick cloud, the result of the past and the present, because your own mental processes have chosen to obscure the truth so that you can continue to enjoy, as you imagine, material and sensual pleasures of the earth life. But this is not the purpose of the earth life and that is not the reason why you have incarnated at this time.
Your life, this birth, is a challenge and you have the opportunity to accept that challenge and turn away from illusion for ever more. The Kingdom of Heaven is not far away, and that kingdom is within you now. Look inside and taste the bliss of the true divine life. Follow the path that will lead you to the permanent divine state and liberation.
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