My children, My children, if only you knew how much I love you all. You should love Me as I love you and then so many of your problems would disappear. Yes, love Me, love everyone, and experience the wonderful cleansing of your soul as love, which is the life force itself, flows through you.
Life without love is life without God and is akin to living in a world without light. And until you experience true love, you have not experienced anything. Life without love is simply illusion, a life without any form of lasting fulfillness or happiness.
Change does not come overnight, but change can be set in motion at this very moment. And once the change is set in motion, the momentum will increase as each day passes. But old habits die hard and great determination is required to bring about the change. I am always there to help you if you turn to Me. Take just one step towards Me and I will take a hundred towards you, but you must make the first move. Is that not a solution to many of your problems? However, man has free will and nothing will happen unless he exercises that free will.
Awaken, My children, and see the light that shines so strongly once you open your eyes. Leave behind that life of illusion and know that such a life can never lead you anywhere except into a state of deeper and deeper despair. Start afresh today and determine to live your life in harmony with God, so that you can claim your real inheritance as a child of the living God, a manifestation of God Himself.
Rise up to the higher levels of consciousness, and know that if you truly follow the teachings of the Lord, then peace will come into your life and you will experience the bliss of unity which is divinity itself, the ultimate state being the total merging, or union, with God where you and God are one.
My children, I wait for you patiently while My love flows constantly all over the world.
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