In the beginning there was nothing, just an endless void, but I was always there, the origin, the true beginning.
But, really, there was no beginning, as I always was, always have been and always will be. That is the true mystery of God, impossible for man to understand.
I am love, all love, total love, and love itself is God. It was the continual outpouring of this love that brought about the creation of the world, a playground where I could express My love and watch it spread like a fire which begins in the tinder wood. Nothing can stop it.
The creation of man is the re-creation of Myself in My own image. You are that creation and you are all My children. That is why every detail about each one of you is known to Me, even every thought.
It is My leela, My creation, My joy, My love, and an expression of My omnipresence. But behind all this is a plan, My plan, and that too is something which man cannot understand. This is the mystery of God and it will always remain.
That, My child, is the truth and you should think about it and see how you relate to it. Man should contemplate the mystery of God even if he cannot understand it, and he should adjust his life according to his own interpretation of the meaning and purpose of life itself.
It is part of God's plan to let His children work out their own destiny and salvation, culminating in eventual liberation and reunion with God Himself. This is the inevitable result of life. The passage represents an experience of illusion, or apparent separation from God, whereas, in truth, all is God and always has been, for there is nothing in the universe which is not God or the creation of God.
Love is the message for everyone. Love is the most potent force in the universe, for love is truly the manifestation of God Himself.
Let this love flow all around you, inside and outside, and then you will prepare the way for liberation and at the same time help many other souls on the same path.
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