Everyday there is a message, a message to uplift the heart, to raise all of you to the higher levels of consciousness. This is the spiritual path, upwards to the higher levels until you reach the divine level where you and God are one. It may seem very remote, even though that divine level of consciousness is within you now. It is only a question of the level at which you choose to express your life.
When you surrender totally to the Lord and forget about self, then you are preparing the way. While you concern yourself so much with the detail of the earth life, you obscure the path that leads upwards and remain rooted in a horizontal plane, or path, that goes nowhere, except that it gives you opportunity to experience different kinds of wilderness. Awaken and open your hearts to the certain knowledge that what I tell you is truth.
When you surrender you give up attachment. You may continue the earth life, going to the office, and that sort of routine, but you should become immune to events that take place within that confine and be unaffected by them. Do not concern yourself with the outcome of what is going on, leave others who care more about those things to concern themselves. You should become the witness, like the Lord who is always happy. The success or failure of any effort does not enter into the spiritual attitude because the whole of the earth life is a game.
Long periods of meditation are good, a chance to reach up to the higher levels and experience an intimate feeling of union with God during those quiet moments when all worldly thoughts fall away. Leave the earth life to others and just do your best in whatever situation you find yourself. Do not concern yourself with the results.
You worry all the time, worry about everything, but none of these things should concern you. Just do what you have to do at the time and put all worrying thoughts out of your mind. At present your mind is full of worries, about this and that Forget it all and only concern yourself with the present. Leave all the rest to the Lord.
Life will change, soon, but you have to prepare yourself so that you are ready to take full advantage of the opportunities which will come. There is nothing to fear. What comes is the result of the past and will bring a clarification of much which you do not now understand. You will experience the truth, that all is God and that there is only God. It will be a revelation which will touch you deeply.
Awaken, My child, forget the past, all that is behind you. The new golden age dawns and you will experience that richness of life which is only possible when you reach the higher levels of consciousness.
Surrender today and open the door to the inflowing of the God force so that it reaches the innermost part of your being It is there within, it is there without, and when you surrender you allow the two to join in perfect unison. From that moment onwards you live in perfect harmony with God Nothing can then touch you.
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