There can be no peace or tranquility in the minds of those whose lives are ruled by desire. In such a state how can anyone expect to find happiness, let alone peace of mind, for in that state the mind is simply a web of desires.
Self-examination is the only way to overcome this problem. Take a deep look into the soul to find that soul and see what it is that is causing the disturbance. Analyse each thought that comes and each individual desire. What is it that you really want in this life? How is it that you can want anything once you reach the level of the pure soul which is the real you, the God within?
To look within is the only solution to so many of your problems. Most of you spend your time looking outwards and blaming others, or even God Himself for all your woes!
The true path is neither easy nor difficult, it is simply the only path that will lead you to peace and tranquility and eventual reunion with God. Every one of you here today should take a decision to examine yourself thoroughly and then make a vow to move away from every form of earthly desire and start a new life along the spiritual path. The Ceiling on Desires programme will help you to make that start.
I will always be waiting for you at the end of the path and I will be watching every step that you take. I am with you, each one of you, every moment of the day, for I reside in your heart. I will always be there to help anyone who turns to Me in true humility and with a pure heart.
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