I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and everything that happens is known to Me for I have willed the very creation of the universe.
The matters which concern man and occupy his mind are normally so trivial and he wastes much of his life worrying about them. In fact, they are unimportant and of no lasting consequence.
Start at the beginning ...Who are you? When you know the answer to that question, that you yourself are God, then surely you will change your life style and the way you behave.
God is LOVE, and yet true love is absent in so many of your lives. How can there be all these stupid petty jealousies, even within the Sai organisation? What have you learned by becoming devotees? How many of you are progressing spiritually? Do you realise I am here always, watching every movement, every thought of each one of you?
Is that not a challenge? It should be! You all have this supreme opportunity which I have given you, and yet many will fritter away the chance to find salvation and eventual liberation.
Effort is required, effort motivated by love. Where is the love? Bring love into your lives and learn the secret that inner peace can only be found if and when you manifest yourself at the higher levels.
How do you start? Start with love. Fill the day with love. Let the love fill your whole being so that you radiate love like a giant beacon in the sky. Stop and think. Contemplate yourself and your life pattern. That is a good starting point.
Stop and think who you are, what you are doing in this life. Is it all good, does it please and satisfy you? Or, more important, does it please God, the real you that is part of God?
Examine yourselves and make a real effort to start again, this time on the right lines, Sai lines, and live a life so full of love that all negative thoughts are eliminated from your mind for ever more.
I give My love and blessings to all of you.
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