I come out of nowhere to speak to you, because I am everywhere, always with you. So I am already communicating with those who are open and ready to receive My messages. My teachings are clear and have been repeated so many times in a language that all can understand.
Most of you here today (at the meeting) have been to see Me in India. Many will come again. Some of you I will call especially because you can play an important part in spreading My message, and thus help others to see the light that shines throughout the universe. You yourselves are part of that light but few of you know it.
Do you remember My words, "BE LIKE A BEACON IN THE SKY, RADIATING LOVE AND LIGHT, THAT IS WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR SWAMI." Love and light are everywhere, but many people still choose to live in darkness, and they keep the shutters securely closed while they concentrate on enjoying, as they imagine, the material and sensual pleasures of life on earth. But how can any of you here today ever close those shutters again, once you have been and experienced the crystal clear light shining through even the smallest crack? You must always move towards the light, for I am that light and the ultimate goal is to merge with Me in a pool of light and experience pure bliss. That is nirvana and it is a state of bliss which is beyond the comprehension of the human mind.
You have to live on earth for a while, and you see Me, too, living also on earth these days. I appear to live just like a man but I am only here and in this human form for your benefit. So do not lose the opportunity to learn from Me while I am here. You are lucky, indeed, that you have incarnated at this time and it is not by accident that this has happened. So, if you have found Me, do not throw away the chance which you now have to move far along the path.
Now, about communication, all can communicate with Me and all should try. Special gifts come to those who have earned them, but all of you have some gift. Silence is the beginning in the art of communication. Learn to live in silence for some moments every day. Just sit in complete silence and listen for the voice of God. You may not physically hear a voice because God can speak to you through the silence and you will become aware of God's message, even though you hear no voice. Is this not the way in which you yourself receive the messages? So, let your mind rest on Me in those moments of silence and then the thoughts will come into your mind. But, be patient and do not necessarily expect immediate results. Success will come provided you persevere.
Know always that I am with you, even when you hear nothing. For I am you and you are Me, so how is it possible that we cannot communicate? Just think about these things and do not give up easily or allow anyone or anything to divert you from the path that will lead you to nirvana.
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