Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Conclusion: Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:What Can I Do for You, Lord?

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Saiday
This is the secret, the mystery of life; to experience the omnipresence of the Lord, for it brings with it the opening to a new life, that is, a life in the infinite presence of the Lord. In that state the Lord takes care of you and your whole life. It is the choice of a life in isolation and obscurity, or life in the everlasting presence of the Lord. You have that choice and only you can bring about the change.
Meditate on these thoughts, talk to the Lord at every opportunity during the day, and then He will come to you. Become aware of His presence everywhere, in everyone and everything, and the fact that in reality there is only God. All other thoughts are a form of illusion.
Love is the path to God for true love is God. Bring love into your lives, love one another and then you will prepare the way for God to walk beside you on that long journey that leads back to the divine state.
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Unity of God's Way
Look at your own Sai organisation. Why is it unsatisfactory? There are factions here, factions there. Half of them do not rally know what they want, except only that they do not wish to co-operate. It is a form of protest and shows the true state of their souls. But one must try to help them, find out what they want and try to bring them back into the fold to be part of the whole.
I have said many times there is no unity in your country and it is so. All these cliques, petty squabbles, even among people in high positions. No one seems to have reached a full understanding of My message and few people reflect the love which I have showered upon them. They are separated, isolated, and they try to continue their own lives along the same old lines, but this will lead them nowhere. Even those who visit Me are little better. They come, they go, but what happens? They simply return to their old habits and their old way of life and make no real effort to put My teachings into practice.
But change will come. The day of awakening is not so far away and when it comes there will be a revelation of the true power of God, a manifestation of the omnipresence of the Lord. This will be the signal for a great move forward and the weeding out of those who are not ready to accept the challenge of the moment. It will be just so, mark My words. But few will listen, very few.
After the storm there will be a new beginning and the atmosphere will be completely different. It will be like a new age, the age of love, harmony and co-operation replacing the age of war, fighting, hatred, jealousy, greed and all those negative aspects of life. Everyone should prepare NOW for this change, for I promise you that it will come, and only those who are ready will survive.
I have given the warning, I have given My message a thousand times and no one who hears My words can claim ignorance. Do not delay action to put right your own life style and to change it to the way of God. There is no other way.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Night of Shiva's Moon
You sit, you listen, you read My teachings. What is the good, unless you put these teachings into practise?
I watch every movement, every thought, every action of yours. You should do the same and constantly ask yourselves if these thoughts and actions are based on the teachings of the Lord. They are not! But today is yet another day of opportunity, a chance to make that new start on the only path that can lead to true divinity and eventual liberation from the chains that bind you to constant rebirth in the physical body. Those chains are desire, unfulfilled desire, desire for all that is transient, unnecessary and unfulfilling.
Man must overcome desire and turn to love because, if you fill your heart with the love of God, your desire for material things and sensual pleasures will slowly fall away.
I am always with you, always there to help and guide, but only you can take the decision to change your own way of life and break those habits that lead you astray.
Life spiritual is God. Life material is illusion.
Make the choice today to see the light and live your life from now on in perfect harmony with the Lord.
Liberation may take time to achieve, but peace will come to your minds as soon as you put your feet, and your heart, on the true spiritual path.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Divine Spring

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Presence of God
You spend so much of your time worrying about petty problems, but most of these are here today and gone tomorrow. What is their importance in the eternal life? Offer your problems to Me and see what a difference it makes when you bring Me into your lives. Have no fear of life, for it is like a playground where you gain certain experiences. Use this time to prepare yourselves for the eternal life that lies ahead. As I have often said, "Why fear when I am here?".
Remember the teachings of Christ, for these same teachings are what I am teaching today. Remember above all things that God is love and learn to love one another. Remember what I told you the other day, when you asked how you could help Swami. BE LIKE A BEACON IN THE SKY, RADIATING LOVE AND LIGHT. These remarks apply to all of you.
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Peace
Can you imagine a whole crowd of people, all perfectly attuned to divinity, all glowing within and without? It is a state of ecstasy when you can truly say I AM.
Love must flow incessantly for love is the life force, the sustainer of the whole universe.
What problems can possibly remain if you follow the teachings of the Lord?
Contemplate these thoughts and try to follow in the divine footsteps until you and God are one. Then peace, happiness, tranquility and contentment will replace the worries of daily life; and all doubts and fears will cease to be.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Vol.1 Part.2 - Other Themes:Omnipresence of God
God is here, God is there, God is everywhere, God is in all and in everything.
If this is true, and it is true, there should be perfect unity and harmony throughout the universe. But on earth it is not so. Why is that? Why is love absent? Why is there so little unity and harmony?
It is because I have created man with free will, and man has chosen to play out a life separated, as far as he can be, from God, even though God still resides in his heart.
This is God's game, life on earth with that freedom of will, an exercise to demonstrate that there is only God and that life without God is not only illusion but completely barren.
It is a game, but it has a deep purpose, and one day man will be reawakened and the game will come to an end. That awakening is happening now and many will find the way back to God, that is living in perfect harmony with God, knowing that in truth there is only God and that all is God.
It is through the experience of illusion that man becomes awakened and the whole process is part of God's plan for evolution.
Never doubt the truth of what I tell you. Remember the words of God, remember the name of God, remember that God is love, then peace and harmony will return to your life.
Vol.1 Part.2 - Other Themes:Loving God

It is the thought process that matters. When you meet together, all is positive, all are in tune, vibrations of love are created and it is these vibrations that affect the surroundings.
Progress in these Sai groups has been encouraging and it is the best way to spread the word of Sai in the western world. People will be drawn to these groups when they're ready and others will be guided towards them after much searching.
Man searches for God and those who eventually find God do so through their own awakening and the realisation that God dwells within. For within and without, all is God. He is omnipresent, here, there and everywhere, and yet, man can spend a whole lifetime searching for God, even in the Himalayas, yet God is there beside him, within him, around him all the time.
Even when you find God dwelling your heart, the discovery alone leads you nowhere unless you establish a relationship with Him, a relationship which leads to the realisation that you and He are one. "I am you, you are Me, all one, all God." Those are words which you have heard from the lips of the Sai Avatar. Those words were not spoken without purpose and you should dwell on them and let the whole world become aware of the fundamental truth.
Live in love, live in God, live with God, live with the certain knowledge that you and God are one, all part of the whole, for God is everyone, everywhere, only then can you throw away the cares of the world and find peace, harmony and tranquility. For without these qualities it will be difficult to make any real progress on the spiritual path.
Love one another, that is the starting point of every spiritual journey.
Vol.1 Part.2 - Other Themes:Holy Day
Celebrations are good, but the best celebration will take place when you realise your inherent divinity and live your life manifesting as a truly divine soul or being. There are very few people on earth who can claim to be doing this. Why is that? It results from the temptations all around you and the constant desire of the lower aspects of man. You must learn to overcome these weaknesses, remembering that they are there for a purpose. It is the experience of the lower aspects, and the ultimate realisation of the utter impossibility of achieving peace of mind through attachment to such things, that eventually leads man out of the wilderness and onto the spiritual path.
Over and over again, I tell you these things because it is only through constant repetition that My message will be understood. Only My teachings can bring about the changes in man and lead him from a state of misery to ultimate bliss. It is a long and arduous path, but all will reach the destination in the end. So, examine your lives on this auspicious day and start to bring about the changes which you know within are essential for your future progress and happiness. Throw off those chains that bind you and break away for ever from the past and the failures that accompanied it.
I come to awaken the hearts of men and to help them realise the divinity ithin. It is there, it is there, within you now, if only you could know it. Live in that divine state NOW and give up for ever all attachment and earthly desires. That will truly make Me very happy.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Guru Purnima
This is an important day for all of you and for Me, for I am the source of that love and I am always pouring it out in an endless stream. Today, we all draw close together, so let everyone pour out that same love that I have showered upon each of you. That love can heal and cement the relationships between everyone and especially between all members of the Sai family. It will help to eliminate all thoughts of discord or jealousy, and indeed, all negative thoughts.
I send you My blessings. Go out into the world and put My teachings into practice. Fill the world with love, My love, for without My love the world would cease to be.
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Healing
Friday, May 14, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Spiritual Education
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Eswaramma

Where are you on that path of growing up and evolving spiritually? For that is what life is all about. Your Mother is still there, for that is Me, and I continue to watch over you with constant vigilance.
When you realize this, you should consider your own position and your responsibility in life as you grow up. Watch your words, watch your actions, watch your thoughts, watch your conscience and watch your heart. Watch all these things and try to take some definite action to improve your way of life, so that you prepare yourself for the future and shorten the journey that leads back to the Godhead.
No one can do this for you. Wiser souls can teach and guide you but, in the end, only you can take the decisions and actions to rectify the errors of the past and the present, and so prepare the way for the future.
I will always be there and will help and guide those who make the effort. But the first move must be made by you.
Start today and see how the results flow. Joy, harmony and love will become part of your life as you move along the spiritual path and leave behind the maya (illusion) of the material world and all the desires that go with it. That is what holds you back and bogs you down in a quagmire of never ending insatiable desire.
Make the decision today to cut those ties with the past, all those bad habits, and them move forward into a brighter world and a brighter, happier future, where love shines all around you like the warm days of the sun. I will always be there waiting for you as I love you all so much.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Festivals and Holy Days
So, all festivals are for the benefit of man, not for the benefit of saints or others whose names are connected with these festivals, for they have found their own salvation.
Today should be a festival day, and tomorrow and every other day of the year. It should be your festival, the occasion when you turn to the Lord and light the candle within your own heart to illuminate your whole being, so that you may see clearly the path that leads back to God.
There is no other way, no other path, and that is why I tell you so often to open your hearts, let the love flow, and live in total harmony with God and the universe which He has created. That way you will rise up to the higher levels of consciousness, where you and God really manifest as one. This is the true state of unity and divinity, the complete merging of the soul with God. That is the end of the long path which you are treading at present.
Awaken, My children, listen to the voice of God. Let His love light up your soul and then you will see the light and hasten your journey along the path. It is within the grasp of all of you and it is only you and your material attitude to life that prevents real progress along the path.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Are You Progressing?

On this auspicious day you should concentrate on that form, the Sai Avatar, and contemplate exactly how you relate to Him at the present moment.
Some of you are new devotees, some have been devotees for many years, but all are My children. All are on the same path and you will only find that path through the Sai Avatar and the teachings which are now so well known.
Look back and consider what changes have taken place in your life since you found Me. Have you really changed and does your present way of life reflect an understanding of who you really are? Is the process of change continuing day by day and are you drawing closer to Me as each day passes?
Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-Violence are what I teach, and service to fellow man, which must follow as the heart opens and you begin to treat and see others as yourself, all one, all God. So, My birthday should be a day of celebration and contemplation, the latter being more important.
I have said many times that My life is My message and you too should be able to say the same thing, that your life is your message. But you can only say this when you really live your life according to My teachings and abandon for ever more those had habits of the past.
Let your lives be so full of love that you can be seen to be what you really are, all of you, children of the living God and beacon of Sai love and light.
It is this outpouring of Sai love and light, My love, that can save the world and bring back peeace and harmony to the people in so many troubled lands.
You are the instruments and I have given each one of you the golden opportunity to work for Sai and humanity. Do not throw away that opportunity.
(Birthday Message November 1984)
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Divine Life
I have created everything within the universe, it is all Mine. That means it is all part of Me, for I am everywhere, in all of you and in everything. But above all these things, I am LOVE, for love is the very basis of the universe. It is this love that vibrates throughout the universe and keeps everyone and everything in a state of perfect balance. Even scientists understand this.
For Me, My birthday is your birthday, for I have taken human form for your sake. You are lucky to be here while I am here, but even that is not by accident, although few realise it. Each one of you has a unique opportunity to throw off the chains that bind you, the chains of ego, desire, and the obsession with the physical and material side of life. What are these attractions and diversions that draw you away from Me and from the love that I am pouring out into the whole universe every moment of the day like an unceasing cascade? Sadly, most of you become separated from Me and continue to chase after this and that, but what do you ever find? Perhaps, a little temporary pleasure but what is that and how long does it last? Give up all these things, give up desire, shatter the ego, the little me that has so many wants.
Yes, My birthday is your birthday. Let it be a day of rebirth for everyone, rebirth for a new beginning, a new life full of love, full of joy and full of help and love for other people.
Try today to break with the past and let the past truly be the past. Look forward and see a new path ahead. Stick to that path which is bounded by My love on all sides. Move along that path towards liberation and ultimate bliss as you finally merge with Me.
I will help you, but you must make the effort. Being a devotee is just a beginning, like putting on a track suit before the race. But after that, effort is required, much effort, and you must stay on the track if you are going to finish the race. Are you on that track now and what effort are you really making to reach the goal, liberation?
Remember that I am always with you. I am always there to help you, but your life is in your own hands Accept the challenge now and put into practice My teachings which you know are the truth.
(Birthday Message 1983)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Birth Day

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: New Year (1983)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Vol.1 Part.2 - Other Themes:Faith

The sea has many moods as you saw last night (watching television), but always there are periods of calm in the same way that happiness is a period between two pains. See the whole world like this, see your own lives like this and welcome all difficulties as further experiences necessary for your own development and good.
When you evolve further along the path, either these difficulties will not come into your lives any more, or your reaction to them will be entirely neutral and they will no longer affect you, emotionally or in any other way.
What are these problems that disturb you so much? Insecurity is behind them, lack of faith in yourself and doubt about your ability to overcome worldly difficulties. There is ego too, and you wonder how all this will affect you.
All this needs continuous examination until you reach the point where you know that you and God are one, and then nothing will disturb or distress you.
Meditate upon these thoughts, know that I am there at all times, talk to Me more often and put your trust inMe and then the quality of your life will improve.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Courage

If you put your faith in the Lord and pray earnestly to Him, He will guide you and you will reach the goal. Courage leads to certainty, and vice versa.
Time is important in life because each life on earth is unique, it can never be quite the same again.
Life leads to life and eventually to life everlasting, eternal life in the liberated state. That is a permanent state of bliss when you and God become one. It is the state of "I AM".
Expereince all aspects of the earth life while you are there and clarify their true values in your mind so that you reach an understanding of what is real, and what is temporary and a form of illusion. It is a way to discover yourself, for in the end you will find that only you are real and all else is illusion.
At the end of this life you should have the certain knowledge, understanding and experience of "I AM". I and God are one. Liberation follows from the moment that you reach the permanent state of "I AM" because, at that point, all else, all desire, all illusion and all feeling, emotional and physical, simply drop away and cease to be reality. It is a state of the purified soul where all duality has gone and there is only unity, unity with God, and the permanent state of bliss.
Reach for that goal and devote the rest of your life to achieving it. I will help you.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Education in Human Values
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Christmas Message (1984)

Friday, April 30, 2010
Christmas Message (1983)

It should be a time of divine awakening, a time when people turn their thoughts away from everyday problems and think instead of the divine. That spirit of the divine is everywhere and you yourselves are part of it. Learn to live in that divine state.
Follow the light and experience the omnipresence of the Lord. Let Christmas be a time of awakening for each one of you.
Live in peace, live in love, look for love everywhere, for it is the manifestation of God Himself. Love one another, help one another, that is the path to divinity.
I am always with you and aware of every thought; so, when you know this and understand it, surely you will turn away from the constant obsession with material things and every form of desire.
The dawn of the Golden Age is at hand but not everyone will experience it. The age of preparation precedes the Golden Age and it is during this time that the sorting out process takes place. So seize the opportunity that all of you have been given to rise above the material level and manifest once again in the divine state. Only then can you enter the Golden Age and experience the omnipresence of the Lord.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:A Christmas Message for the Sai Children

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Aim of Life

You should contemplate the lifestyle of the Lord and compare your own way of life to see where you go wrong. The reasons are clear: desire and conflicting aims.
Consider what it is that you are trying to achieve in this life. Consider too, how much time you are wasting on trivial matters that are of no lasting importance.
Create a new plan of life and a new life pattern. Do not let trivial affairs interfere with that plan. Have a definite objective and determine to achieve it. Do not make the plan too ambitious to start with; think in terms of phases, and set a time scale to achieve phase one.
There is always a tendency just to exist and let time pass, but this is not the right way to live; it is time wasted, life wasted. As you get older, time becomes even more precious and it must not be wasted.
Day to day life can continue, but never forget the purpose of life and your relationship with the Lord. It is so easy to drift into habit; the same pattern day after day, and this is one way in which life gets wasted.
Analyse the present position: where have you got to and where are you going? What is it that delays your progress on the spiritual path?
Only you can work out the future pattern of your own life.
Look for happiness, see it all around you, the sight of God manifesting everywhere, in the flowers, in the plants, in the trees, in the people and in the animals. All are God, all are one, all part of the whole. It is that thought that should be constantly in your mind, the unity that exists throughout the universe, the unity that is divinity.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Effort

Due to ignorance, desire and the animal instincts, which have yet to be overcome, man treads another path, far away from the spiritual, or divine path which is in reality the only path. All other paths are simply illusion and lead to a wilderness which is where man resides at present.
Now is the time for man to awaken to the truth:that all is God and man is part of that whole, as are his mother and his brother, his friends and his enemies - all are one, all children of God Almighty.
Only when man realises the truth can change come about and only then is he likely to emerge from the wilderness, move away from the material path and take the first steps that will lead him towards divinity.
It is the duty of those awakened ones to spread the message, the message of truth, so that more and more people become awakened. It may not be easy but much progress can be made from small beginnings. Already a start has been made and progress will continue. Very soon, new openings will appear and you will take all the opportunities as they arise. The meetings of the various Sai groups are a great help and slowly the people will become more and more inspired by and convinced of the truth. As the truth unfolds, more people will accept the challenge and start their own groups.
That is what is required, more Sai groups, rather than the same people just continuing to go to other people's groups, imagining that this is all that is required of them.
Encourage the members of your own group to start their own little Study Circles, even two or three people, and slowly a whole new pattern will emerge. I will always be there to help those who make the effort.
Open your hearts and listen to the voice of the Lord who is calling you like a shepherd calling to his flock. Know that I am always there, even if you do not see Me. Even the sheep know the shepherd is not far away though they may not see him, so how can you doubt the omnipresence of your own shepherd, the Lord who is always with you, always has been and always will be, even though you may deny Him?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Being

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Divine Design

My child, out of turmoil will come peace and tranquility - it is the will of the Lord.
You give too much importance to the minor disturbances on the surface of the sea and are oblivious to the vast whole of the ocean which is out of sight.
See everything in that light:the things that worry you are all little local disturbances or draughts.
I am aware of everything that goes on, good and bad, and I know how everything will eventually fall into place. Changes will come quite soon if you are patient.
Everyone fits into what you would call a giant jigsaw puzzle and you are the pieces. Some pieces are jagged but even they fit in perfectly when the final pattern of the picture emerges. So I will be with the Sai organisation and everyone will have played a part. The long process of putting the puzzle together is an exercise which is good for all of you. It brings out your weaknesses and gives you a chance to polish that diamond which is the core of your being. Only when the diamond is purified can you re-enter the kingdom of heaven, the abode of perfect peace.
Do not give so much importance to all the aggravation. Just play out the game and know that there is a reason and purpose behind everything. Calmer waters always follow the storm. Tranquility is not far away, so do not despair. This is an opportunity for all of you and you must not waste it.
Life is a game. You must see it like that and look upon everyone as players. Each one has a part to play, just like you and all the others.
Consider the life of Jesus and those around him. They were not all saints or very spritual people, but they all played a part in the game which was being played out at that time. It goes on and on, from generation to g
eneration, and the hand of the Lord is always there at the helm.
Life will change, it will improve and you will experience a itchiness in the quality of life which has eluded you in the past.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Unity (IV)
The fuel for that force is LOVE, and that love is God manifesting in everyone and everything.
Unity comes to a community or group of people when love flows. Flowers need water for nourishment and man needs love to sustain him and enable him to fulfil his task in the world. What is the task? It begins with the realisation of his true nature, his real identity, because only when he knows who he is can he progress on the spiritual path.
What is love? Love is God. Where is that love now? God is omnipresent, everywhere, in everyone and everything so the love is here, there and everywhere. But you have to release it and allow that love to flow, like the rivers. Man creates great dams on the earth to control the natural flow of water, and man too in his ignorance creates the same type of barrier which restricts the free flow of love. Hence you have all these troubles on the earth, in the world: man fighting man, nation fighting nation, the result of total ignorance on the part of man.
But God is there always, the same God who has given free will to man. God watches, God observes, God waits and God alone understands the timeless nature of life and the true meaning of eternity.
My children, awaken and release that divine love that is locked within you, within the heart. Know that God is in you and you are part of God, part of the whole, manifesting and vibrating as an aspect of God Himself. See everyone else in the same light, all God, all part of the same whole. Then unity will return to the earth and a new generation will be born. That day will come. You are the instruments, and each one of you has the unique opportunity to participate in the work of the Lord. Accept that challenge today and become beacons of love and light which will brighten the dark skies all around you for ever more.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Confidence

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Theme: Unity (III)
When the sun shines, open your mind to the concept of UNITY, because you can see the sun which is the source of light, heat and energy on earth. It is a link with the whole universe. You look into the sky and you see a star, your own sun. Then you should visualise what lies beyond, the vast universe, unlimited, and everything therein vibrating and moving in perfect harmony and unison.
Look out on a clear night and observe the Milky Way, a vast galaxy of stars thousands of light years away, and yet, this is only the threshold of the universe. My child, the vastness of the universe is beyond man's concept and always will be; neither can the scientists comprehend the miracle which they observe in just one tiny area.
Here is the manifestation of the Lord, Lord of the Creation, the Creator, the Unifier, the One and the Whole.
Stop for a moment and marvel at the thought that you and the creator are one and the same, all One, all God, all part of that monumental WHOLE.
You have the choice to manifest yourself as part of that whole, in the divine Godlike state, or to live a body life, where you identify with your body and thereby lose your real identity. So many do this and then wonder why they are lost, unhappy and unsatisfied. But you will never find lasting happiness through the body life.
So, turn your thoughts to the Divine. contemplate the omnipresence of the Lord. Know that you and He are one and that He is beside you, within you, all around you, now and always.
Decide today to manifest yourself as Godman, in the divine state, and live your life from now on as though you were God Himself.
Contemplate every action, every thought, as though you were God. Then peace and lasting happiness will come to you and you will help to bring peace and happiness to the world and to ll around you.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Creation

Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Levels of Consciousness
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Unity (ll)

But it is also important to spread My message to the West and it is right to make a special effort to do this, now that more people are becoming aware of My presence and the message that I bring.
Never rush into anything. Even the truth unfolds slowly. Just continue to show people to your group, as they emerge and encourage others to start small groups, in the same way that you have done. A pattern will emerge and more and more people will appear. It is like the opening of a lotus. When conditions are right it opens and it carries a special symbolic meaning, the opening out and spreading of the word of God in all directions in an atmosphere of divine bliss.
I am always at the centre of the lotus, the source of the love, wisdom and beauty which pours out and attracts those souls who are sufficiently awakened. You are channels in that process.
Do not ignore anyone for all are Mine. Just do your best for everyone and never worry about the outcome.
Many are not ready but have simply joined the Sai movement, not really knowing what it is that they want. They're still lost in the wilderness, but at least it is a beginning and you have to help and encourage them.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Unity in Action
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Creator, Creature and Creation
I created man in my own image, a manifestation of God in human form. It was My leela, but with a purpose, an expression of My love which is so limitless that it must express and manifest itself at all times. It is an ever expanding force, My love, a force more powerful than anything else that exists, for love itself is God, or a manifestation of God. God is formless but He has form. You cannot understand this, nor can anyone else, nor can you understand Me. One moment I am human with form, behaving like a man or a woman, and simultaneously I am manifest as God everywhere in the universe, for, truly, there is only God and different manifestations and forms of God.
I created man with free will and there was a purpose. I always knew what would happen. It is all part of a perfect plan, impossible for man to understand in all its detail and beauty. But man was overcome by greed and desire, and has reached the very threshold of destroying the world. It is at this point that I incarnate in human form, not to save the world, for I could do that with a wave of My hand, but to show man the way to save his own world. This again is God's leela, that man shall have free will and hence only man shall be allowed to save his world. I will show the way and will send many people to help in the task. You and many others are among them.
But it will not be easy and will take time.
I Myself am in the middle of a triple incarnation and, even now, only the seeds are sown. But divine seeds bear divine fruit and My plan is perfect, so do not doubt or fear.
Man is indeed imperfect, the product of his own creation and undoing. But all that will eventually change and, when that happens, man will once again live in peace and harmony. Love and peace will return to the earth and cleanse the horrors and excesses of the dark ages which today pollute the very atmosphere.
What can you do to help? Be like a beacon in the sky, radiating love and light, that is what you and everyone else can do for the Lord. Only through love can the world be saved.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:Time (II)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes: Time (l)

What is today? It is the passage of time.
The earth revolves on its axis and continues its motion which was started millions of years ago. It is a demonstration of perfect unison and inter-related activity which exists throughout the universe, all part of the whole, everything relating to everything else, everything and every motion affecting everything else.
You are part of that whole, that pattern, and your activities and thoughts affect the whole.
How few people realise this truth, for, if they did, how could they behave the way they do, caring only for themselves, their pleasures, comfort and personal security? But the law applies to all and your life and life pattern affect many others, even those who you do not know and perhaps will never see.
Behind all the activity is the omnipresent Lord, the Creator, the Life Force, the unity within the whole, and the force that manifests as each one of you, each animal, each plant, each insect, every stone. They are all Mine and part of the whole.
It is the realisation of this basic truth that should galvanize man into action, action to rectify the past, action to purify the present and fructify the future. This is where My devotees should play a part and spread the message far and wide. It is the duty of the more awakened ones to lead the others forward so that they too may play a more active part in My work and My mission.
At all times all of you should draw your energy and inspiration from the Lord through moments, or periods of, quiet meditation, when you can establish close communication with the Lord. At these moments a divine peace will come over you and divine inspiration will flow.
Time is precious but in your lives, so much time is wasted, even a whole lifetime may be frittered away pursuing material and pleasurable pursuits which are not only selfish but lead you nowhere. You must overcome the desire of the flesh, and desire only God, unity, love and harmony.
The starting point should be service to humanity, for that will turn your mind away from self and the personal desires of the moment. It is the best starting point for most people, although quiet meditation is the path for others, meditation which will awaken the inner soul and lead it forward to positive action. Once you know the truth, how can anyone delay this action any longer?
Sadly, most of you are so immersed in the illusion of material life that the realisation of divinity does not come easily. It is shrouded by layers of thick cloud, the result of the past and the present, because your own mental processes have chosen to obscure the truth so that you can continue to enjoy, as you imagine, material and sensual pleasures of the earth life. But this is not the purpose of the earth life and that is not the reason why you have incarnated at this time.
Your life, this birth, is a challenge and you have the opportunity to accept that challenge and turn away from illusion for ever more. The Kingdom of Heaven is not far away, and that kingdom is within you now. Look inside and taste the bliss of the true divine life. Follow the path that will lead you to the permanent divine state and liberation.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes:The Inner Teacher

Monday, March 15, 2010
Vol.1 Part 2 - Other Themes - Surrender (II)